This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 71
Week's winner: Starman (+2)
Build date: 2022/03/26 14:42:21 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::perlvars - CLI tool to detect unused variables in Perl modules
- Class::Generic - Class Generic
- Dancer2::Plugin::CSRF - CSRF tokens generation and validation
- Dancer2::Plugin::Deferred - Defer messages or data across redirections
- Dancer2::Plugin::Shutdown - Graceful shutdown your Dancer2 application
- Mo::utils - Mo utilities.
- XS::libcatch - Catch test library for XS
Increasing its reputation:
- Alien::ImageMagick (+1=12)
- App::cpanminus (+1=261)
- App::Daemon (+1=7)
- App::perlimports (+1=8)
- autouse (+1=6)
- AWS::Lambda (+1=7)
- bareword::filehandles (+1=3)
- Carton (+1=109)
- CGI::Ajax (+1=2)
- CGI::Tiny (+1=7)
- Class::Autouse (+1=2)
- Daemon::Generic (+1=2)
- Dancer2 (+1=127)
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible (+1=6)
- Dancer2::Plugin::Database (+1=6)
- Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC (+1=13)
- Dancer2::Session::Redis (+1=3)
- Dancer2::Template::Xslate (+1=4)
- Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible (+1=9)
- Data::FormValidator (+1=13)
- Data::TableReader (+1=4)
- Date (+1=7)
- DBD::MariaDB (+1=7)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (+1=48)
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::HashRef (+1=4)
- Devel::PPPort (+1=11)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=175)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (+1=43)
- Email::Mailer (+1=2)
- Email::Simple (+1=17)
- FindBin (+1=2)
- Getopt::Long (+1=108)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=48)
- Import::Into (+1=35)
- Log::Dispatch (+1=44)
- Log::ger (+1=6)
- MCE (+1=90)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=37)
- Net::OpenSSH::Parallel (+1=7)
- Net::Ping (+1=12)
- Params::Validate (+1=33)
- PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot (+1=10)
- Plack (+1=225)
- Progress::Any (+1=10)
- Regex::Object (+1=3)
- Regexp::Common (+1=54)
- Return::Type (+1=4)
- Sodium::FFI (+1=2)
- Sort::Key (+1=26)
- Sort::Naturally (+1=18)
- Spreadsheet::GenerateXLSX (+1=3)
- Starman (+2=111)
- Sub::Retry (+1=12)
- Task::Kensho (+1=110)
- Template::Mustache (+1=4)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=136)
- Test::Mojo::WithRoles (+1=8)
- Text::ParseWords (+1=12)
- Type::Tiny::XS (+1=15)
- Win32::LongPath (+1=7)
- WWW::YouTube::Download (+1=20)
- XML::LibXML (+1=94)
- XS::Parse::Keyword (+1=6)
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