This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Beetwen brackets: question score & answers count
Built date: 2011/11/27 13:30:32 GMT
- What is the '@(' doing in this Perl code? - [9/4]
- Understanding pushing to a hash and ||=[] construct. (generated in boilerplate.t) - [6/2]
- Is there such a thing as a list in scalar context? - [6/6]
- How to untaint system call in - [4/4]
- Regexp doesn't work for specific special characters in Perl - [4/2]
- Most efficient way to search very large text file and output lines matching any of a very large number of terms to another file - [3/2]
- Using both ARGV and CGI in a Perl script - [3/4]
- Perl, comparing scalar to array (with regex?) - [3/6]
- Perl CGI gets parameters from a different request to the current URL - [3/1]
- Capture variable assignments in a Perl eval - [3/3]