This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 58
Week's winners (+3): CGI::Tiny
Build date: 2022/03/05 19:35:32 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Affinity - Compute the affinity between two people
- CPAN::Perl::Releases - Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
- Database::DumpTruck - Relaxing interface to SQLite
- DTA::CAB - "Cascaded Analysis Broker" for robust linguistic analysis
- Mac::FSEvents - Monitor a directory structure for changes
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Future - use Future in Mojolicious applications
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Route - Plugin to loader files of routes
- ODS - Object Data Store
- Sodium::FFI - FFI implementation of libsodium
- WARC -
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Working::Out::Dependencies::From::META::files::Will::Be::Wrong::At::Some::Point::Like::This::Module::For::Instance (+1=2)
- Alien::Build (+1=21)
- App::perlimports (+1=7)
- Archive::Tar (+1=15)
- Carton (+1=108)
- CGI::Tiny (+3=7)
- Coro (+1=73)
- CryptX (+1=45)
- Dancer (+1=145)
- Data::Dump (+1=36)
- DBIx::Class (+1=279)
- Device::SerialPort (+1=3)
- EV (+1=43)
- Feature::Compat::Try (+1=7)
- File::Copy::Recursive (+1=17)
- File::Find::Rule (+1=36)
- Future (+1=55)
- Future::AsyncAwait (+1=42)
- Getopt::Long::Complete (+1=13)
- Imager::QRCode (+1=2)
- Importer (+1=14)
- Inline (+1=35)
- Inline::CPP (+1=6)
- Inline::Python (+1=12)
- IO::Async (+1=66)
- mod_perl (+1=22)
- Net::Google::Drive (+1=4)
- Net::SSL::ExpireDate (+1=8)
- Object::Pad (+2=25)
- Parallel::Pipes (+1=3)
- Paws (+1=50)
- PDL::HMM (+1=4)
- PLS (+1=10)
- Raisin (+1=42)
- Sereal::Decoder (+1=21)
- Sereal::Encoder (+1=20)
- SMS::Send::Twilio (+1=4)
- SPVM (+1=23)
- Test2::Suite (+1=32)
- Test::Compile (+1=8)
- Text::ANSITable (+1=17)
- Text::Markdown::Discount (+1=9)
- Text::Table::More (+1=5)
- UUID4::Tiny (+1=2)
- XS::Parse::Keyword (+1=5)
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