This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 38
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2021/09/11 14:07:22 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- JSON::Schema::Generate - Generate JSON Schemas from data!
- JSON::Schema::Modern - Validate data against a schema
- JSON::SchemaValidator - JSON Schema Validator
- JSONSchema::Validator - Validator for JSON Schema Draft4/Draft6/Draft7 and OpenAPI Specification 3.0
- Mail::POP3 - A POP3 stand-alone forking daemon or inetd server
- Syntax::Operator::Equ - equality operators that distinguish undef
- Test::Mojo::Role::Log - Testing Mojo Log messages
- URI::XS - fast URI framework, compatible with classic, with C++ interface
Increasing its reputation:
- App::sdif (+1=2)
- Carp (+1=63)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=29)
- Config::Tiny (+1=30)
- DBD::mysql (+1=49)
- Devel::StrictMode (+1=6)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=55)
- Gtk2 (+1=12)
- Gtk2::TrayIcon (+1=3)
- Gtk3 (+1=19)
- HTML::Packer (+1=7)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=101)
- IO::All (+1=67)
- JSON::Schema (+1=9)
- JSON::Schema::AsType (+1=4)
- JSON::Schema::Tiny (+1=3)
- JSON::Validator (+1=28)
- libwww::perl (+1=153)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AccessLog (+1=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=49)
- Net::IMAP::Simple (+1=7)
- Net::WebSocket::Server (+1=2)
- Proc::ProcessTable (+1=21)
- Role::Tiny (+1=64)
- SQL::Bind (+1=7)
- Term::UI (+1=6)
- UV (+1=10)
- Web::Machine (+1=25)
- Web::Simple (+1=27)
- YAML (+1=65)
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