This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 56
Week's winner: Crypt::Passphrase (+3)
Build date: 2021/03/13 21:39:31 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Machi - Awesome Machi here!
- AnyEvent::Discord - Provides an AnyEvent interface to the Discord bot API
- App::AsciiChart - Simple Ascii Chart
- Crypt::Passphrase::Argon2 - An Argon2 encoder for Crypt::Passphrase
- GuacLite - Toolkit for implementing a frontend server/client the Apache Guacamole system
- Linux::Sys::CPU::Affinity - Perl XS extension for setupping CPU affinity
- Net::Google::CivicInformation - client for the Google Civic Information API
- ojo::ServeDir - Helper module to serve local files
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitUnusedVarsStricter - Critique unused variables in Perl source
- Pinto::Remote::SelfContained - interact with a remote Pinto repository
- POE::Filter::EPPTCP - EPP Frame parsing for POE
- POE::Filter::SimpleXML - Simple XML parsing for POE
- Symbol::Get - Read Perl’s symbol table programmatically
- Type::TinyX::Facets - Easily create a facet parameterized Type::Tiny type
- WHO::GrowthReference::Table - Lookup height/weight in the WHO growth chart (a.k.a. growth reference, growth standards)
Increasing its reputation:
- App::cpm (+2=52)
- App::FatPacker::Simple (+1=6)
- App::UpdateCPANfile (+1=2)
- Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable (+1=5)
- Crypt::Argon2 (+1=5)
- Crypt::Passphrase (+3=3)
- Data::Fake (+1=14)
- Data::Printer (+1=134)
- Data::Printer::Filter::PDL (+1=5)
- DBIx::Class (+1=274)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::BooleanMethods (+1=2)
- DBM::Deep (+1=23)
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Starter (+1=4)
- DNS::Unbound (+1=3)
- Future::AsyncAwait (+1=36)
- HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML (+1=8)
- JSONY (+1=4)
- libwww::perl (+1=153)
- Lingua::Stem (+1=3)
- Mojo::PDF (+1=8)
- Mojo::Redis (+1=17)
- Mojolicious (+2=446)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=48)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DBViewer (+1=7)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N (+1=17)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI (+1=5)
- PDL (+1=40)
- Pepper (+1=7)
- PPI (+1=48)
- Promise::XS (+1=5)
- Rex (+1=77)
- Sub::Override (+1=12)
- Template::Plugin::XML::Feed (+1=2)
- Test2::Harness (+1=9)
- Text::vCard (+1=4)
- WWW::Tumblr (+1=3)
- Yancy (+1=39)
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