App::opan - A CPAN overlay for darkpan and pinning purposes
- Version: 0.003003 on 2021-03-21
- Votes: 13
- Previous version: 0.003002 was 1 year, 10 months, 12 days before
Devel::MAT - Perl Memory Analysis Tool
- Version: 0.44 on 2021-03-27
- Votes: 25
- Previous version: 0.43 was 11 months, 3 days before
Graph - graph data structures and algorithms
- Version: 0.9720 on 2021-03-25
- Votes: 25
- Previous version: 0.9718 was 12 days before
JSON::Validator - Validate data against a JSON schema
- Version: 4.16 on 2021-03-24
- Votes: 27
- Previous version: 4.14 was 1 month, 1 day before
Markdent - An event-based Markdown parser toolkit
- Version: 0.40 on 2021-03-21
- Votes: 21
- Previous version: 0.39 was 1 month, 9 days before
Minilla - CPAN module authoring tool
- Version: v3.1.12 on 2021-03-25
- Votes: 50
- Previous version: v3.1.11 was 6 months, 13 days before
Minion - Job queue
- Version: 10.21 on 2021-03-20
- Votes: 82
- Previous version: 10.20 was 6 days before
Module::CoreList - what modules shipped with versions of perl
- Version: 5.20210320 on 2021-03-21
- Votes: 34
- Previous version: 5.20210220 was 1 month, 1 day before
Mojolicious - Real-time web framework
- Version: 9.14 on 2021-03-23
- Votes: 447
- Previous version: 9.12 was 3 days before
Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI - OpenAPI / Swagger plugin for Mojolicious
- Version: 4.02 on 2021-03-24
- Votes: 39
- Previous version: 4.00 was 1 month, 7 days before
Mojolicious::Plugin::Status - Mojolicious server status
- Version: 1.17 on 2021-03-23
- Votes: 12
- Previous version: 1.16 was 5 days before
Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
- Version: 2.005003 on 2021-03-21
- Votes: 280
- Previous version: 2.004004 was 3 months, 26 days before
Net::Server - Extensible Perl internet server
- Version: 2.010 on 2021-03-22
- Votes: 28
- Previous version: 2.009 was 3 years, 7 months, 12 days before
PDL - Perl Data Language
- Version: 2.032 on 2021-03-24
- Votes: 41
- Previous version: 2.029 was 12 days before
Perl::Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices.
- Version: 1.140 on 2021-03-24
- Votes: 111
- Previous version: 1.138 was 1 year, 2 months before
Search::Elasticsearch - The official client for Elasticsearch
- Version: 7.712 on 2021-03-25
- Votes: 40
- Previous version: 7.711001 was 24 days before
Selenium::Remote::Driver - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
- Version: 1.44 on 2021-03-27
- Votes: 43
- Previous version: 1.42 was 10 days before
String::Util - String processing utility functions
- Version: 1.32 on 2021-03-26
- Votes: 12
- Previous version: 1.31 was 7 months, 30 days before
Syntax::Keyword::Try - a try/catch/finally syntax for perl
- Version: 0.23 on 2021-03-27
- Votes: 33
- Previous version: 0.21 was 2 months, 5 days before
Text::CSV_XS - Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines
- Version: 1.46 on 2021-03-24
- Votes: 92
- Previous version: 1.45 was 3 months before
27 mar 2021
(cccxxxiv) 20 CPAN great modules released last week
(cdlx) metacpan weekly report - Hash::Flatten
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 52
Week's winners (+3): Hash::Flatten
Build date: 2021/03/27 17:43:05 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Apache2::SSI - Apache2 Server Side Include
- App::japerl - JPerl-again Perl glocalization scripting environment
- LINQ -
- Math::DifferenceSet::Planar - object class for planar difference sets
- mb - run Perl script in MBCS encoding (not only CJK ;-)
- Playwright - Perl client for Playwright
- Search::Elasticsearch::Cxn::NetCurl - A Cxn implementation which uses libcurl via Net::Curl
- Search::Typesense - Perl interface to Typesense search engine.
Increasing its reputation:
- App::cpanminus (+1=255)
- App::opan (+1=13)
- Applify (+1=13)
- CGI (+1=40)
- CLI::Osprey (+1=6)
- CPAN::ReverseDependencies (+1=2)
- DBD::Firebird (+1=10)
- Devel::REPL (+1=61)
- Eval::Closure (+1=9)
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker (+1=48)
- GDGraph (+1=7)
- Graph (+1=25)
- Hash::Flatten (+3=12)
- HTML::Escape (+2=13)
- HTML::Parser (+2=43)
- Jacode4e::RoundTrip (+1=2)
- libwww::perl (+1=153)
- List::Helpers::XS (+1=2)
- Markdent (+1=21)
- Modern::Open (+1=2)
- Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteFork (+1=9)
- MojoX::Log::Log4perl (+1=9)
- Moo (+1=280)
- Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ (+1=15)
- Net::Kafka (+1=3)
- PDL (+1=41)
- perl (+2=372)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitUnusedVarsStricter (+1=2)
- Perl::Metrics::Simple (+1=7)
- ph (+1=12)
- Plack::Middleware::Profiler::NYTProf (+1=4)
- Pod::Usage (+1=38)
- PPI (+1=49)
- Proc::Fork (+1=14)
- Reply (+1=58)
- Specio (+1=12)
- UTF8::R2 (+1=2)
- Win32::Clipboard (+1=3)
- XML::Sig (+1=3)
(cdlxxxiii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2021-03-27 17:32:37 GMT
- Pass scalar and hash to subroutine in Perl - [4/1]
- Get unique elements from HoA values and print - [3/1]
- Perl: Fastest match of anything? - [2/3]
- Perl - How to omit lines from a text file? - [2/3]
- perl getting 0 instead of output - [2/2]
- exempting a piece of perl code from strict pragma - [2/2]
- How to send HTTP POST data in multipart/form-data to REST API in Perl - [2/2]
- Perl Template Toolkit - how to join / concat multiple variables (into one) - [2/1]
- How can I combine two patterns in Perl - [2/1]
- Isolating hash values with same key inside an array, inside of an anonymous hash - [2/1]
20 mar 2021
(cccxxxiii) 14 CPAN great modules released last week
App::Cmd - write command line apps with less suffering
- Version: 0.333 on 2021-03-14
- Votes: 40
- Previous version: 0.332 was 1 day before
Crypt::JWT - JSON Web Token
- Version: 0.032 on 2021-03-18
- Votes: 15
- Previous version: 0.031 was 2 months, 8 days before
Dancer2 - Lightweight yet powerful web application framework
- Version: 0.301001 on 2021-03-17
- Votes: 122
- Previous version: 0.300005 was 1 month, 22 days before
DateTime::Format::Natural - Parse informal natural language date/time strings
- Version: 1.12 on 2021-03-19
- Votes: 14
- Previous version: 1.11 was 5 months, 26 days before
FFI::Platypus - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
- Version: 1.43 on 2021-03-17
- Votes: 53
- Previous version: 1.38 was 8 days before
File::Which - Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
- Version: 1.24 on 2021-03-19
- Votes: 24
- Previous version: 1.23 was 2 years, 2 months, 19 days before
Getopt::Long::Descriptive - Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
- Version: 0.109 on 2021-03-16
- Votes: 46
- Previous version: 0.106 was 3 days before
Minion - Job queue
- Version: 10.20 on 2021-03-14
- Votes: 82
- Previous version: 10.19 was 4 days before
Mojolicious - Real-time web framework
- Version: 9.11 on 2021-03-20
- Votes: 447
- Previous version: 9.08 was 8 days before
Mojolicious::Plugin::Status - Mojolicious server status
- Version: 1.16 on 2021-03-18
- Votes: 12
- Previous version: 1.15 was 26 days before
MooseX::Getopt - A Moose role for processing command line options
- Version: 0.75 on 2021-03-16
- Votes: 20
- Previous version: 0.74 was 2 years, 5 months, 23 days before
PerlPowerTools - BSD utilities written in pure Perl
- Version: 1.024 on 2021-03-19
- Votes: 28
- Previous version: 1.023 was 1 month, 9 days before
Selenium::Remote::Driver - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
- Version: 1.42 on 2021-03-17
- Votes: 43
- Previous version: 1.40 was 9 days before
Test::BDD::Cucumber - Feature-complete Cucumber-style testing in Perl
- Version: 0.79 on 2021-03-19
- Votes: 15
- Previous version: 0.77 was 1 month, 9 days before
(cdlix) metacpan weekly report - GD::Graph
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 49
Week's winners (+3): GD::Graph
Build date: 2021/03/20 19:45:51 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::lupapona - a simple static Gemini server
- Avro - the official Perl API for the Apache Avro project's serialization and RPC framework
- Encode::Base2N - fast base64, base32, base16 encode/decode functions
- Geo::GDAL::FFI - A foreign function interface to GDAL
- List::Helpers::XS - Perl extension to provide some usefull functions with arrays
- RT::BugTracker - Adds a UI designed for bug-tracking for developers to RT
- Types::TypedCodeRef - Type constraint for any typed subroutine.
Increasing its reputation:
- App::Sandy (+1=2)
- BSD::Resource (+1=7)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=32)
- Chart::GGPlot (+1=8)
- Chart::Plotly (+1=14)
- Class::DBI (+1=8)
- Dancer2 (+1=122)
- Data::DPath (+1=13)
- Data::Printer (+2=136)
- Data::Recursive (+1=2)
- Date (+1=3)
- DateTime::Format::Natural (+1=14)
- DateTime::Format::Pg (+1=11)
- Devel::IPerl (+1=18)
- File::Which (+1=24)
- Firefox::Marionette (+1=11)
- FunctionalPerl (+1=6)
- GD::Graph (+3=7)
- Graph (+1=24)
- Imager (+1=61)
- Imager::File::WEBP (+1=2)
- IPC::Run (+1=33)
- JSON::XS (+1=109)
- lib::relative (+1=11)
- Log::Handler (+1=9)
- MailTools (+1=7)
- Minion (+1=82)
- Mojolicious (+1=447)
- Parallel::Runner (+1=4)
- Path::Tiny (+2=163)
- Perl::Critic::TooMuchCode (+1=5)
- Proc::Fork (+1=13)
- Sereal (+1=59)
- Sub::Meta (+1=3)
- Sub::Quote (+1=7)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try (+1=33)
- Time::Ago (+1=3)
- WWW::Mechanize (+1=85)
(cdlxxxii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2021-03-20 19:44:26 GMT
- Try::Tiny and $SIG{__DIE__} in perl? - [7/2]
- How best to handle previously installed modules when upgrading Perl version with homebrew - [5/1]
- How to force Text::CSV to store number as text? - [5/0]
- Validating a path in Perl - [3/2]
- How can I optimize the end of done_testing in TAP and the evaluation of the results in a test in perl? - [3/0]
- Regexp::Grammars Succeeds with Debug and Fails Without - [2/1]
- use sipgate Rest API to post a voicemail greeting - [2/0]
- Using perl to round number - [1/2]
- G-Code post Processing script using Perl to lessen paste 3D printer ooze - [1/1]
- Object attribute access in Perl - [1/1]
13 mar 2021
(cccxxxii) 15 CPAN great modules released last week
App::Ack - A grep-like program for searching source code
- Version: v3.5.0 on 2021-03-13
- Votes: 124
- Previous version: v3.4.0 was 8 months, 13 days before
App::Cmd - write command line apps with less suffering
- Version: 0.332 on 2021-03-13
- Votes: 40
- Previous version: 0.331 was 4 years, 7 months, 27 days before
FFI::Platypus - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
- Version: 1.38 on 2021-03-09
- Votes: 53
- Previous version: 1.34 was 4 months, 20 days before
Getopt::Long::Descriptive - Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
- Version: 0.106 on 2021-03-13
- Votes: 46
- Previous version: 0.105 was 1 year, 17 days before
Graph - graph data structures and algorithms
- Version: 0.9718 on 2021-03-13
- Votes: 23
- Previous version: 0.9717 was 1 month, 17 days before
LWP - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
- Version: 6.53 on 2021-03-07
- Votes: 153
- Previous version: 6.52 was 2 months before
Minion - Job queue
- Version: 10.19 on 2021-03-10
- Votes: 81
- Previous version: 10.17 was 4 days before
Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall - (DEPRECATED) run blocking functions asynchronously by forking
- Version: 0.21 on 2021-03-08
- Votes: 12
- Previous version: 0.20 was 2 years, 5 months, 24 days before
Mojolicious - Real-time web framework
- Version: 9.08 on 2021-03-12
- Votes: 446
- Previous version: 9.02 was 11 days before
Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack - Compress and convert CSS, Less, Sass, JavaScript and CoffeeScript files
- Version: 2.13 on 2021-03-13
- Votes: 48
- Previous version: 2.11 was 22 days before
Number::Phone - base class for Number::Phone::* modules
- Version: 3.7002 on 2021-03-09
- Votes: 13
- Previous version: 3.7001 was 1 month, 5 days before
PDL - Perl Data Language
- Version: 2.029 on 2021-03-12
- Votes: 40
- Previous version: 2.027 was 6 days before
Perl::Build - perl builder
- Version: 1.32 on 2021-03-10
- Votes: 19
- Previous version: 1.31 was 7 months, 29 days before
Selenium::Remote::Driver - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
- Version: 1.40 on 2021-03-08
- Votes: 43
- Previous version: 1.39 was 2 months before
SPVM - Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
- Version: 0.0933 on 2021-03-11
- Votes: 21
- Previous version: 0.0932 was 1 month, 3 days before
(cdlviii) metacpan weekly report - Crypt::Passphrase
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 56
Week's winner: Crypt::Passphrase (+3)
Build date: 2021/03/13 21:39:31 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Machi - Awesome Machi here!
- AnyEvent::Discord - Provides an AnyEvent interface to the Discord bot API
- App::AsciiChart - Simple Ascii Chart
- Crypt::Passphrase::Argon2 - An Argon2 encoder for Crypt::Passphrase
- GuacLite - Toolkit for implementing a frontend server/client the Apache Guacamole system
- Linux::Sys::CPU::Affinity - Perl XS extension for setupping CPU affinity
- Net::Google::CivicInformation - client for the Google Civic Information API
- ojo::ServeDir - Helper module to serve local files
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitUnusedVarsStricter - Critique unused variables in Perl source
- Pinto::Remote::SelfContained - interact with a remote Pinto repository
- POE::Filter::EPPTCP - EPP Frame parsing for POE
- POE::Filter::SimpleXML - Simple XML parsing for POE
- Symbol::Get - Read Perl’s symbol table programmatically
- Type::TinyX::Facets - Easily create a facet parameterized Type::Tiny type
- WHO::GrowthReference::Table - Lookup height/weight in the WHO growth chart (a.k.a. growth reference, growth standards)
Increasing its reputation:
- App::cpm (+2=52)
- App::FatPacker::Simple (+1=6)
- App::UpdateCPANfile (+1=2)
- Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable (+1=5)
- Crypt::Argon2 (+1=5)
- Crypt::Passphrase (+3=3)
- Data::Fake (+1=14)
- Data::Printer (+1=134)
- Data::Printer::Filter::PDL (+1=5)
- DBIx::Class (+1=274)
- DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::BooleanMethods (+1=2)
- DBM::Deep (+1=23)
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Starter (+1=4)
- DNS::Unbound (+1=3)
- Future::AsyncAwait (+1=36)
- HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML (+1=8)
- JSONY (+1=4)
- libwww::perl (+1=153)
- Lingua::Stem (+1=3)
- Mojo::PDF (+1=8)
- Mojo::Redis (+1=17)
- Mojolicious (+2=446)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=48)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DBViewer (+1=7)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N (+1=17)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI (+1=5)
- PDL (+1=40)
- Pepper (+1=7)
- PPI (+1=48)
- Promise::XS (+1=5)
- Rex (+1=77)
- Sub::Override (+1=12)
- Template::Plugin::XML::Feed (+1=2)
- Test2::Harness (+1=9)
- Text::vCard (+1=4)
- WWW::Tumblr (+1=3)
- Yancy (+1=39)
(cdlxxxi) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2021-03-13 21:35:26 GMT
- Find out which scripts are calling a perl package - [6/1]
- Perl hash of hashes rationale - [4/2]
- Declaring a hash using elements of the same hash - [3/3]
- Sorting list of hashes in Perl with sort - [2/2]
- Merge of subsequent lines based on conditions in linux - [2/2]
- Perl File::NFSLock fails to acquire lock with error EACCESS - [2/1]
- Perl unexpected behavior: croak vs. try catch - [2/1]
- how can I perform both negative lookahead and negative lookbehind in a single perl regx? - [2/1]
- What are the consequences of explicitly "use"-ing various Perl versions? - [2/1]
- Ubuntu: Perl is misreading filenames with Cyrillic characters - [2/1]
6 mar 2021
(cccxxxi) 15 CPAN great modules released last week
Data::Printer - colored & full-featured pretty print of Perl data structures and objects
- Version: 1.000004 on 2021-03-03
- Votes: 134
- Previous version: 1.000001 was 6 days before
Date::Manip - Date manipulation routines
- Version: 6.85 on 2021-03-01
- Votes: 16
- Previous version: 6.83 was 3 months, 1 day before
HTML::Parser - HTML parser class
- Version: 3.76 on 2021-03-04
- Votes: 41
- Previous version: 3.75 was 6 months, 5 days before
HTTP::Message - HTTP style message (base class)
- Version: 6.29 on 2021-03-06
- Votes: 59
- Previous version: 6.28 was 15 days before
Compress::Zlib - IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers
- Version: 2.102 on 2021-02-28
- Votes: 13
- Previous version: 2.101 was 8 days before
Minion - Job queue
- Version: 10.17 on 2021-03-06
- Votes: 81
- Previous version: 10.16 was 18 days before
Mojo::Redis - Redis driver based on Mojo::IOLoop
- Version: 3.26 on 2021-03-01
- Votes: 16
- Previous version: 3.25 was 4 months, 30 days before
Mojolicious - Real-time web framework
- Version: 9.02 on 2021-03-01
- Votes: 444
- Previous version: 9.01 was 13 days before
PDF::API2 - Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
- Version: 2.039 on 2021-03-04
- Votes: 26
- Previous version: 2.038 was 6 months, 4 days before
PDL - Perl Data Language
- Version: 2.027 on 2021-03-06
- Votes: 39
- Previous version: 2.026 was 21 days before
Rex - the friendly automation framework
- Version: 1.13.3 on 2021-03-05
- Votes: 76
- Previous version: 1.13.2 was 3 months before
Search::Elasticsearch - The official client for Elasticsearch
- Version: 7.711001 on 2021-03-01
- Votes: 40
- Previous version: 7.711 was 18 days before
Sys::Virt - libvirt Perl API
- Version: v7.1.0 on 2021-03-01
- Votes: 15
- Previous version: v7.0.0 was 1 month, 17 days before
URI - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
- Version: 5.09 on 2021-03-03
- Votes: 103
- Previous version: 5.07 was 1 month, 5 days before
Yancy - The Best Web Framework Deserves the Best CMS
- Version: 1.069 on 2021-03-04
- Votes: 38
- Previous version: 1.068 was 2 months, 16 days before
(cdlvii) metacpan weekly report - Data::Printer
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 44
Week's winners (+3): Data::Printer
Build date: 2021/03/06 19:32:41 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- DBIx::Class::Schema::ResultSetNames - Create resultset accessors from table names
- Excel::Grinder - Import/export plain Excel (XLSX) files as simply as possible.
- Package::Prototype - Super easily to create prototype object
- RDF::RDFa::Parser - flexible RDFa parser
- Sub::Data::Recursive - Recursive invoker
- Syntax::Keyword::Finally - add FINALLY phaser block syntax to perl
- Win32API::File::Time - Get and set file times in Windows - including open files
Increasing its reputation:
- Algorithm::Cron (+1=2)
- App::watcher (+1=3)
- autobox (+1=27)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+1=145)
- Dancer2 (+1=121)
- Data::Printer (+3=134)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+1=29)
- Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls (+1=18)
- Devel::PrettyTrace (+1=5)
- FunctionalPerl (+1=5)
- GraphQL (+1=18)
- HTML::Template (+1=15)
- Linux::Inotify2 (+1=7)
- Minion (+1=81)
- Mo (+1=37)
- Module::Metadata (+1=13)
- MooseX::Enumeration (+1=7)
- MooseX::Observer (+1=4)
- MooseX::SimpleConfig (+1=5)
- OptArgs2 (+1=4)
- Package::Anon (+1=3)
- Path::Class (+1=80)
- Perl::Version (+1=9)
- Pod::Webserver (+1=2)
- Sub::Meta (+1=2)
- Sys::Binmode (+2=2)
- Term::ProgressBar (+1=27)
- Text::Diff (+1=13)
- Text::Table::More (+2=4)
- Text::Unidecode (+1=31)
- Throwable::SugarFactory (+1=2)
- Time::Piece (+1=50)
- URI::Escape::XS (+1=7)
(cdlxxx) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2021-03-06 19:29:07 GMT
- Change any number of delimiters in found pattern with sed - [6/5]
- Cannot install Test::File on Perl 5.32.0 MacOS Sierra - [5/1]
- Why is perltidy going to stdout? - [4/2]
- get hahes key to string in perl - [3/3]
- Removal of special characters from string using perl script - [3/2]
- Perl multithreading slower when memory usage getting high - [3/2]
- Optimizing the script to process faster in perl - [3/2]
- 8 queen problem in old TPJ aritcle is missing link to main module Queen - [3/1]
- How to delete specific directories using Getopt::Long in PERL - [2/3]
- Why do I not have to use "use Math::Trig" for atan2 and the like? - [2/2]