These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2020-08-15 11:41:01 GMT
- Perl die() call mysteriously not dying - [8/1]
- retrieve patterns that exactly match all regex in Perl - [6/3]
- Return from sort block gives "Use of uninitialized value in sort" warning, but only with explicit return - [4/1]
- regex command line with single-line flag - [2/3]
- Parsing XML file with duplicate tags - [2/2]
- perl command line one liner to do find/replace, but *not* print lines that don't match? - [2/2]
- Can I write some results to a file using Log::Log4perl without depnending on the default levels? - [2/1]
- Can I specify the output in Test2 test - [2/1]
- Perl regex for a character NOT within string characters - [2/0]
- Installing Chart::Plotly on Strawberry Perl 5.28 - [2/0]
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