14 dic 2019

(cdxxii) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last 2 weeks.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-12-14 12:57:02 GMT

  1. Perl sort won't use function from another package - [6/1]
  2. perl File::Find and _ - [4/1]
  3. Filtering matching patterns with regular expressions - [3/3]
  4. Use bigint and float perl - [3/3]
  5. Perl qw() and brackets [] - [3/1]
  6. Perl: In search of faster search (through file) - [2/4]
  7. How to generate UID in perl language? - [2/2]
  8. Sort directories in bash - [2/2]
  9. chdir in perl using two strings: chdir "/home/$dir1/$dir2" - [2/1]
  10. How can I scrape images off of a webage using Perl - [2/1]

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