Week's winner: Template::Toolkit (+2)
Build date: 2019/12/28 21:27:50 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD - very simple CRUD (create/read/update/delete)
- DataStruct::Flat - Convert a data structure into a one level list of keys and values
- Document::OOXML - Manipulation of Office Open XML files
- ExtUtils::H2PM - automatically generate perl modules to wrap C header files
- Geo::Code - The GeoCode of a latitude,longitude point is a ten byte string, three geonames, or a hybrid code. This Perl module converts between them.
- MooX::ConfigFromFile - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
- MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer - Writing documents for MsWord in HTML format
- Nanoid - Perl implementation of nanoid
- Office365::EWS::Client - Office 365 Exchange Web Services client
- Statistics::Descriptive::Weighted - randomized binary search trees via the treap structure
- Template::Plugin::JavaScript - Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript
- Win32::NetAdmin - Manage network groups and users in Perl
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+1=32)
- App::rainbarf (+1=4)
- Audio::Scan (+1=3)
- Code::TidyAll::0.76 (+1=0)
- Config::Any (+1=24)
- Config::INI (+1=18)
- Config::Simple (+1=4)
- Config::Tiny (+1=28)
- Coro (+1=67)
- CtrlO::PDF (+1=2)
- DBIx::DataModel (+1=11)
- DBIx::Simple (+1=32)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=162)
- Error (+1=6)
- File::ShareDir (+1=34)
- FunctionalPerl (+1=3)
- Future (+1=49)
- Future::AsyncAwait (+1=19)
- GraphQL (+1=14)
- Hash::Fold (+1=3)
- HTML::Tree (+1=30)
- Image::ExifTool (+1=33)
- IO::Async (+1=54)
- IO::stringy (+1=3)
- JavaScript::V8 (+1=15)
- lib::relative (+1=9)
- MCE (+1=77)
- Module::Find (+1=9)
- Moops (+1=51)
- MooX::ChainedAttributes (+1=7)
- MooX::TO_JSON (+1=2)
- MySQL::Admin (+1=3)
- OpenOffice::OODoc (+1=3)
- Parqus (+1=2)
- Parse::RecDescent (+1=17)
- PDF::API2 (+1=23)
- perl (+1=352)
- Perl::Dist::Strawberry (+1=11)
- perlsecret (+1=45)
- Quote::Code (+1=5)
- Reddit::Client (+1=5)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=145)
- Statistics::Descriptive (+1=16)
- Sys::Info (+1=3)
- Taint::Util (+1=2)
- Template::Toolkit (+2=124)
- Text::Extract::Word (+1=4)
- Time::Piece (+1=45)
- Tree (+1=2)
- Tree::Simple (+1=7)
- Variable::Magic (+1=22)
- Win32::Exe (+1=5)
- Win32::OLE (+1=13)
- Win32::Packer (+1=5)
- WWW::Telegram::BotAPI (+1=8)
- XML::LibXML (+1=88)
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