Week's winners (+3): Keyword::Declare
Build date: 2019/03/31 10:15:54 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::ppll - Command runner
- App::termpub - Epubreader for the terminal
- App::used - Find modules used or required in perl files or directories of perl files
- Attribute::Handlers::Prospective - Richer semantics for attribute handlers
- Class::AutoClass - Create get and set methods and simplify object initialization
- Class::StateMachine - define classes for state machines
- Config::Merge::Dynamic - load a configuration directory tree containing YAML, JSON, XML, Perl, INI or Config::General files AND alter it in runtime.
- Config::MVP::Writer::INI - Build an INI file for Config::MVP
- Config::Scoped - feature rich configuration file parser
- Config::Tree - Simple API for accessing configuration data
- Data::ModeMerge - Merge two nested data structures, with merging modes and options
- Data::Nested - routines to work with a perl nested data structure
- Data::Overlay - merge/overlay data with composable changes
- Data::Utilities - recursively compare Perl datatypes
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary - Converting dates to or from the French Revolutionary calendar
- Filter::HereDocIndent - Filter::HereDocIndent - Indent here documents
- Filter::Indent::HereDoc - allows here documents to be indented within code blocks
- Hash::AutoHash - Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
- Hash::AutoHash::Record - Object-oriented access to hash with implicitly typed fields
- Indent - Classes for indent handling.
- Leading::Zeros - Defuse Perl's octal number representation
- Log::StdLog - A simple log file via a special filehandle
- Math::RPN - Perl extension for Reverse Polish Math Expression Evaluation
- Minions - Simplifies the creation of loosely coupled object oriented code.
- Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig - extend Module::Build to more easily use platform libraries provided by pkg-config
- Module::Lazy - postpone loading a module until it's actually used
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack - Mojolicious ♥ Webpack
- Moose::Micro - succinctly specify Moose attributes
- Moose::Tiny - Why Should Object::Tiny get all the Fun
- MooseX::Alien - Extend a non-Moose class with Moose
- MooseX::Atom - Non-immutable classes are silly. Lets fix that.
- MooseX::Attribute::Deflator - Deflate and inflate Moose attribute values
- MooseX::Attribute::Multibuilder - Have several attributes share the same builder
- MooseX::AttributeFilter - MooX::AttributeFilter with cute antlers OwO
- MooseX::ConfigCascade - Set initial accessor values of your whole Moose-based project from a single config file
- MooseX::Lists - treat arrays and hashes as lists
- MooseX::Mangle - mangle the argument list or return values of your methods
- MooseX::Params - Parameters with meta, laziness and %_
- MooseX::Role::Hashable - Transform the object into a hash
- MooseX::Role::WithWorkingDirectory - Syntactic sugar for running a method while in a directory
- MooseX::ScopedConfig - Moose eXtension to use Config::Scoped
- MooseX::SlurpyConstructor - Make your object constructor collect all unknown attributes
- MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes - Track dirtied attributes
- MooseX::Types::FakeHash - Types for emulating Hash-like behaviours with ArrayRefs.
- MooseX::Util - Moose::Util extensions
- MooseX::YAML - DWIM loading of Moose objects from YAML
- Object::Sub - Create objects without those pesky classes
- Perl6::Currying - Perl 6 subroutine currying for Perl 5
- psh - a Perl Shell Evaluation Strategy (base class)
- Starch - A framework independent HTTP session library.
- State::Machine - Simple State Machine Implementation
- Statistics::RankCorrelation - Compute the rank correlation between two vectors
- String::Indent - String indenting routines
- String::Nudge - Indents all lines in a multi-line string
- Sub::Auto - declare individual handlers for AUTLOADed subs, respecting can and inheritance
- Sub::Become - Syntactic sugar to allow a sub to replace itself
- Sub::Curry - Create curried subroutines
- Sub::Pipe - chain subs with | (pipe)
- Template::Plugin::Number::Format - Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
- Test2::Tools::FFI - Tools for testing FFI
- Text::Indent - simple indentation of text shared among modules
- Text::Sprintf::Named - sprintf-like function with named conversions
- Text::Template::Inline - Easy formatting of hierarchical data
- Text::Template::LocalVars - Text::Template with localized variables
- Text::Template::Simple - Simple text template engine
- Tie::Sub - Tie::Sub - Tying a subroutine, function or method to a hash
- UNIVERSAL::AUTHORITY::Lexical - an AUTHORITY method for every class, within a lexical scope
- Util::Underscore - Common helper functions without having to import them
- Value::Object - Base class for minimal Value Object classes
- YAML::Active - Combine data and logic in YAML
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Bleach (+1=7)
- Acme::Crap (+1=2)
- Alt::Data::Frame::ButMore (+1=2)
- App::cpangitify (+1=6)
- App::DTWMIC (+1=2)
- AppConfig (+1=4)
- Array::To::Moose (+1=4)
- autobox::Core (+1=22)
- autodie (+1=54)
- B::C (+1=17)
- Bot::BasicBot (+1=15)
- Cairo (+1=9)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=88)
- CGI (+1=36)
- Chart (+1=5)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=28)
- Chart::Plotly (+2=6)
- Class::Multimethods (+1=2)
- Class::Tiny::Immutable (+1=2)
- Config::Any (+1=21)
- Config::Merge (+1=3)
- Config::Merged (+1=2)
- Data::COW (+1=2)
- Data::Diff (+1=2)
- Data::Dx (+1=2)
- Data::Object (+1=9)
- Data::Pageset (+1=7)
- Data::Rmap (+1=11)
- Data::Traverse (+1=2)
- Data::Visitor (+1=5)
- ExtUtils::CppGuess (+1=2)
- Function::Parameters (+1=48)
- GIS::Distance (+1=2)
- Git::Sub (+1=7)
- Google::API::Client (+1=5)
- Gtk3 (+1=15)
- Import::Base (+1=13)
- install (+1=10)
- IPC::Run (+1=28)
- Keyword::Declare (+3=16)
- Lingua::EN::Inflect (+1=11)
- Lingua::EN::Inflexion (+1=5)
- Markdent (+1=21)
- Mastodon::Client (+1=3)
- Math::GSL (+1=7)
- Math::Prime::Util (+1=15)
- Mo (+1=33)
- Mojo::DOM58 (+1=5)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=58)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SecureCORS (+1=3)
- MongoDB (+1=81)
- Moose::Autobox (+1=8)
- MooseX::Attribute::Handles::Expand (+1=2)
- MooseX::ClassAttribute (+1=13)
- MooseX::MarkAsMethods (+1=4)
- MooseX::MethodAttributes (+1=5)
- MooseX::NestedAttributesConstructor (+1=6)
- MooseX::RelatedClasses (+1=2)
- MooseX::Role::DryRunnable (+1=2)
- MooseX::Role::Flyweight (+1=4)
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized (+1=21)
- MooseX::SimpleConfig (+1=4)
- MooX::AttributeFilter (+1=2)
- MouseX::Foreign (+1=3)
- Net::Twitter::Lite (+1=7)
- PAR::Packer (+1=33)
- PDL (+1=32)
- PDL::Graphics::Prima (+1=5)
- Perl::Lint (+1=11)
- PPR (+1=14)
- Reddit::Client (+1=4)
- Regexp::Debugger (+2=47)
- Regexp::Grammars (+1=30)
- Running::Commentary (+1=3)
- Scope::Guard (+1=15)
- Slack::WebHook (+2=2)
- SPVM (+1=14)
- Statistics::Basic (+1=7)
- Sub::Filter (+1=2)
- Sub::Fp (+1=4)
- Sub::Import (+1=4)
- Sub::Info (+1=4)
- Sub::Metadata (+1=4)
- Sub::Quote (+1=5)
- Syntax::Feature::Ql (+1=2)
- Syntax::Feature::Qs (+1=2)
- System::Sub (+1=6)
- Test::Class (+1=18)
- Test::Expr (+1=2)
- Test::Most (+1=36)
- Test::Simpler (+1=4)
- Text::sprintfn (+1=2)
- Toolkit (+1=5)
- UNIVERSAL::Object (+1=10)
- USB::LibUSB (+1=3)
- utf8::all (+2=29)
- Web::ID (+1=2)
- Web::Scraper (+1=38)
- WWW::Mechanize::Chrome (+1=6)
- XML::SAX (+1=9)
- XML::Twig (+1=53)
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