Week's winner: Data::Object (+3)
Build date: 2019/03/23 07:56:08 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Has::Tiny - tiny implementation of Moose-like "has" keyword
- Algorithm::MarkovChain - Object oriented Markov chain generator
- App::linerange - Retrieve line ranges from a filehandle
- App::ucpan - improved CPAN modules updater
- Arrays::Same - Test if two arrays are identical
- autopackage - Automatically set your package based on how your module was loaded.
- B::CallChecker - custom B-based op checking for subroutines
- Function::Interface - declare typed interface package
- Global::Rainbow::Map - make the world look like a rainbow, but usefully
- Hash::AutoHash::Args - Object-oriented processing of keyword-based argument lists
- lexical::underscore - access your caller's lexical underscore
- List::AssignRef - assign an arrayref to an array sensibly
- List::MapMulti - map through multiple arrays at once
- Location::GeoTool - Perl extension for Geometry processing
- MariaDB::NonBlocking - Nonblocking connections to MySQL using libmariadbclient
- Module::Quote - a quote-like operator that requires modules for you
- MooseX::ArrayRef - blessed arrayrefs with Moose
- MooseX::Attribute::Localize - localize attribute values within a scope
- MooseX::AttributeTags - tag your Moose attributes
- MooseX::AttributeTree - Inherit attribute values like HTML+CSS does
- MooseX::ClosedHash - blessed coderefs (closing over a hash) with Moose
- MooseX::CustomInitArgs - define multiple init args with custom processing
- MooseX::ErsatzMethod - provide a method implementation that isn't as good as the real thing
- MooseX::FunkyAttributes - add code smell to your Moose attributes
- MooseX::InlineTypes - declare type constraints and coercions inline with coderefs
- MooseX::InsideOut - inside-out objects with Moose
- MooseX::Interface - Java-style interfaces for Moose
- MooseX::ModifyTaggedMethods - use sub attributes to specify which methods want modifiers
- MooseX::Prototype - prototype-based programming for Moose
- MooseX::RoleFor - limit the applicability of a Moose::Role
- MooseX::RoleQR - allow "before qr{...} => sub {...};" in roles
- MooseX::WhatTheTrig - what attribute triggered me?
- MooX::Enumeration - shortcuts for working with enum attributes in Moo
- MooX::XSConstructor - glue between Moo and Class::XSConstructor
- package::compute - stop hard-coding your package names
- PerlX::QuoteOperator::Inescapable - a quote-like operator with no string escapes
- Platform - add dependencies on platforms
- Set::Equivalence - a set of objects or scalars with no duplicates and a user-configurable equivalence relation
- Smart::Dispatch - first-class switch statements
- Spreadsheet::Wright - simple spreadsheet worker
- String::Interpolate::Delayed - delay string interpolation until you really want it
- Sub::Block - manipulate blocks of code to assemble them into subs
- Sub::NonRole - prevent some subs from appearing in a role's API
- Sub::Talisman - use attributes to tag or classify subs
- Sub::Talisman::Struct - the spawn of MooX-Struct and Sub-Talisman
- Subclass::Of - import a magic subclass
- Syntax::Feature::Qwa - qwa(), qwh() and qwk() quote-like operators to create arrayrefs and hashrefs
- thanks - inline packages easily
- Tie::Reduce - a scalar that reduces its old and new values to a single value
- UNIVERSAL::ref - Turns ref() into a multimethod
Increasing its reputation:
- Ask (+1=4)
- B::DeparseTree (+1=2)
- B::Hooks::AtRuntime (+1=3)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=87)
- CPAN::Uploader (+1=15)
- Data::Object (+3=8)
- Data::Xslate (+1=4)
- Die::Hard (+1=2)
- Dotenv (+2=2)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=48)
- Exporter::Tiny (+1=19)
- FFI::Platypus::Lang::Rust (+1=5)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=42)
- Graph (+1=15)
- Hash::DefaultValue (+1=2)
- Importer (+1=11)
- Keyword::Declare (+1=13)
- Lexical::Accessor (+1=3)
- LV (+1=2)
- match::simple (+1=12)
- Minilla (+1=44)
- Minion (+1=69)
- Module::Pluggable (+1=20)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=31)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SecurityHeader (+1=2)
- Monjon (+1=5)
- Moops (+1=49)
- Moose (+1=302)
- MooseX::Aspect (+1=3)
- MooseX::ConstructInstance (+1=2)
- MooseX::Does::Delegated (+1=2)
- MooseX::Enumeration (+1=5)
- MooseX::LvalueAttribute (+1=2)
- MooseX::MungeHas (+1=6)
- MooseX::NiftyDelegation (+1=2)
- MooseX::Semantic (+1=2)
- MooseX::Traits (+1=18)
- MooseX::Types::MoreUtils (+1=2)
- MooseX::UndefTolerant (+1=7)
- MooX::ClassAttribute (+1=5)
- MooX::late (+1=11)
- MooX::ObjectBuilder (+1=2)
- MooX::Struct (+1=6)
- MooX::Traits (+1=2)
- Object::ID (+1=3)
- Object::Remote (+1=18)
- Object::Stash (+1=2)
- Object::Util (+1=10)
- P5U (+1=4)
- PDF::API2 (+1=20)
- PerlX::ArraySkip (+1=4)
- PerlX::Assert (+1=7)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=28)
- PerlX::Perform (+1=3)
- PerlX::Window (+1=3)
- Prima (+1=24)
- Pry (+1=24)
- Refinements (+1=2)
- Regexp::Util (+1=6)
- Return::Type (+1=2)
- Safe::Isa (+1=31)
- Scalar::Does (+1=8)
- Shell::Cmd (+1=2)
- Sub::Infix (+1=4)
- Sub::Lazy (+1=2)
- syntax (+1=4)
- Syntax::Collector (+1=11)
- Task::Tiny (+1=5)
- Test::Deep (+1=44)
- Test::Pod::LinkCheck (+1=2)
- Throwable::Factory (+1=8)
- Tie::Moose (+1=3)
- Time::Limit (+1=4)
- utf8::all (+1=27)
- Util::Any (+1=4)
- X::Tiny (+1=2)
- ZMQ::Raw (+1=3)
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