# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Alien::Build | 1.62 | 12 | Build external dependencies for use in CPAN |
2 | Beam::Wire | 1.023 | 14 | Lightweight Dependency Injection Container |
3 | CGI | 4.42 | 36 | Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses |
4 | Class::Inspector | 1.34 | 14 | Get information about a class and its structure |
5 | Cpanel::JSON::XS | 4.11 | 29 | cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing |
6 | DateTime::TimeZone | 2.34 | 16 | Time zone object base class and factory |
7 | DBIx::Class::Migration | 0.073 | 23 | Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier |
8 | libwww::perl | 6.38 | 144 | The World-Wide Web library for Perl |
9 | Markdent | 0.34 | 21 | An event-based Markdown parser toolkit |
10 | Mojo::mysql | 1.14 | 29 | Mojolicious and Async MySQL/MariaDB |
11 | Prima | 1.55 | 24 | a perl graphic toolkit |
12 | RapidApp | 1.3103 | 26 | Turnkey ajaxy webapps |
13 | XML::LibXML | 2.0200 | 83 | Interface to Gnome libxml2 xml parsing and DOM library |
31 mar 2019
(ccxxx) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
(ccclxii) metacpan weekly report - Keyword::Declare
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 177
Week's winners (+3): Keyword::Declare
Build date: 2019/03/31 10:15:54 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+3): Keyword::Declare
Build date: 2019/03/31 10:15:54 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::ppll - Command runner
- App::termpub - Epubreader for the terminal
- App::used - Find modules used or required in perl files or directories of perl files
- Attribute::Handlers::Prospective - Richer semantics for attribute handlers
- Class::AutoClass - Create get and set methods and simplify object initialization
- Class::StateMachine - define classes for state machines
- Config::Merge::Dynamic - load a configuration directory tree containing YAML, JSON, XML, Perl, INI or Config::General files AND alter it in runtime.
- Config::MVP::Writer::INI - Build an INI file for Config::MVP
- Config::Scoped - feature rich configuration file parser
- Config::Tree - Simple API for accessing configuration data
- Data::ModeMerge - Merge two nested data structures, with merging modes and options
- Data::Nested - routines to work with a perl nested data structure
- Data::Overlay - merge/overlay data with composable changes
- Data::Utilities - recursively compare Perl datatypes
- DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary - Converting dates to or from the French Revolutionary calendar
- Filter::HereDocIndent - Filter::HereDocIndent - Indent here documents
- Filter::Indent::HereDoc - allows here documents to be indented within code blocks
- Hash::AutoHash - Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
- Hash::AutoHash::Record - Object-oriented access to hash with implicitly typed fields
- Indent - Classes for indent handling.
- Leading::Zeros - Defuse Perl's octal number representation
- Log::StdLog - A simple log file via a special filehandle
- Math::RPN - Perl extension for Reverse Polish Math Expression Evaluation
- Minions - Simplifies the creation of loosely coupled object oriented code.
- Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig - extend Module::Build to more easily use platform libraries provided by pkg-config
- Module::Lazy - postpone loading a module until it's actually used
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack - Mojolicious ♥ Webpack
- Moose::Micro - succinctly specify Moose attributes
- Moose::Tiny - Why Should Object::Tiny get all the Fun
- MooseX::Alien - Extend a non-Moose class with Moose
- MooseX::Atom - Non-immutable classes are silly. Lets fix that.
- MooseX::Attribute::Deflator - Deflate and inflate Moose attribute values
- MooseX::Attribute::Multibuilder - Have several attributes share the same builder
- MooseX::AttributeFilter - MooX::AttributeFilter with cute antlers OwO
- MooseX::ConfigCascade - Set initial accessor values of your whole Moose-based project from a single config file
- MooseX::Lists - treat arrays and hashes as lists
- MooseX::Mangle - mangle the argument list or return values of your methods
- MooseX::Params - Parameters with meta, laziness and %_
- MooseX::Role::Hashable - Transform the object into a hash
- MooseX::Role::WithWorkingDirectory - Syntactic sugar for running a method while in a directory
- MooseX::ScopedConfig - Moose eXtension to use Config::Scoped
- MooseX::SlurpyConstructor - Make your object constructor collect all unknown attributes
- MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes - Track dirtied attributes
- MooseX::Types::FakeHash - Types for emulating Hash-like behaviours with ArrayRefs.
- MooseX::Util - Moose::Util extensions
- MooseX::YAML - DWIM loading of Moose objects from YAML
- Object::Sub - Create objects without those pesky classes
- Perl6::Currying - Perl 6 subroutine currying for Perl 5
- psh - a Perl Shell Evaluation Strategy (base class)
- Starch - A framework independent HTTP session library.
- State::Machine - Simple State Machine Implementation
- Statistics::RankCorrelation - Compute the rank correlation between two vectors
- String::Indent - String indenting routines
- String::Nudge - Indents all lines in a multi-line string
- Sub::Auto - declare individual handlers for AUTLOADed subs, respecting can and inheritance
- Sub::Become - Syntactic sugar to allow a sub to replace itself
- Sub::Curry - Create curried subroutines
- Sub::Pipe - chain subs with | (pipe)
- Template::Plugin::Number::Format - Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
- Test2::Tools::FFI - Tools for testing FFI
- Text::Indent - simple indentation of text shared among modules
- Text::Sprintf::Named - sprintf-like function with named conversions
- Text::Template::Inline - Easy formatting of hierarchical data
- Text::Template::LocalVars - Text::Template with localized variables
- Text::Template::Simple - Simple text template engine
- Tie::Sub - Tie::Sub - Tying a subroutine, function or method to a hash
- UNIVERSAL::AUTHORITY::Lexical - an AUTHORITY method for every class, within a lexical scope
- Util::Underscore - Common helper functions without having to import them
- Value::Object - Base class for minimal Value Object classes
- YAML::Active - Combine data and logic in YAML
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Bleach (+1=7)
- Acme::Crap (+1=2)
- Alt::Data::Frame::ButMore (+1=2)
- App::cpangitify (+1=6)
- App::DTWMIC (+1=2)
- AppConfig (+1=4)
- Array::To::Moose (+1=4)
- autobox::Core (+1=22)
- autodie (+1=54)
- B::C (+1=17)
- Bot::BasicBot (+1=15)
- Cairo (+1=9)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=88)
- CGI (+1=36)
- Chart (+1=5)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=28)
- Chart::Plotly (+2=6)
- Class::Multimethods (+1=2)
- Class::Tiny::Immutable (+1=2)
- Config::Any (+1=21)
- Config::Merge (+1=3)
- Config::Merged (+1=2)
- Data::COW (+1=2)
- Data::Diff (+1=2)
- Data::Dx (+1=2)
- Data::Object (+1=9)
- Data::Pageset (+1=7)
- Data::Rmap (+1=11)
- Data::Traverse (+1=2)
- Data::Visitor (+1=5)
- ExtUtils::CppGuess (+1=2)
- Function::Parameters (+1=48)
- GIS::Distance (+1=2)
- Git::Sub (+1=7)
- Google::API::Client (+1=5)
- Gtk3 (+1=15)
- Import::Base (+1=13)
- install (+1=10)
- IPC::Run (+1=28)
- Keyword::Declare (+3=16)
- Lingua::EN::Inflect (+1=11)
- Lingua::EN::Inflexion (+1=5)
- Markdent (+1=21)
- Mastodon::Client (+1=3)
- Math::GSL (+1=7)
- Math::Prime::Util (+1=15)
- Mo (+1=33)
- Mojo::DOM58 (+1=5)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=58)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SecureCORS (+1=3)
- MongoDB (+1=81)
- Moose::Autobox (+1=8)
- MooseX::Attribute::Handles::Expand (+1=2)
- MooseX::ClassAttribute (+1=13)
- MooseX::MarkAsMethods (+1=4)
- MooseX::MethodAttributes (+1=5)
- MooseX::NestedAttributesConstructor (+1=6)
- MooseX::RelatedClasses (+1=2)
- MooseX::Role::DryRunnable (+1=2)
- MooseX::Role::Flyweight (+1=4)
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized (+1=21)
- MooseX::SimpleConfig (+1=4)
- MooX::AttributeFilter (+1=2)
- MouseX::Foreign (+1=3)
- Net::Twitter::Lite (+1=7)
- PAR::Packer (+1=33)
- PDL (+1=32)
- PDL::Graphics::Prima (+1=5)
- Perl::Lint (+1=11)
- PPR (+1=14)
- Reddit::Client (+1=4)
- Regexp::Debugger (+2=47)
- Regexp::Grammars (+1=30)
- Running::Commentary (+1=3)
- Scope::Guard (+1=15)
- Slack::WebHook (+2=2)
- SPVM (+1=14)
- Statistics::Basic (+1=7)
- Sub::Filter (+1=2)
- Sub::Fp (+1=4)
- Sub::Import (+1=4)
- Sub::Info (+1=4)
- Sub::Metadata (+1=4)
- Sub::Quote (+1=5)
- Syntax::Feature::Ql (+1=2)
- Syntax::Feature::Qs (+1=2)
- System::Sub (+1=6)
- Test::Class (+1=18)
- Test::Expr (+1=2)
- Test::Most (+1=36)
- Test::Simpler (+1=4)
- Text::sprintfn (+1=2)
- Toolkit (+1=5)
- UNIVERSAL::Object (+1=10)
- USB::LibUSB (+1=3)
- utf8::all (+2=29)
- Web::ID (+1=2)
- Web::Scraper (+1=38)
- WWW::Mechanize::Chrome (+1=6)
- XML::SAX (+1=9)
- XML::Twig (+1=53)
(ccclxxxvi) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-31 10:07:42 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-31 10:07:42 GMT
- Perl: How to pass IPC::Open3 redirected STDOUT/STDERR fhs - [5/4]
- Execute a Bash script (Shell Script) from postgres function/procedure/trigger - [3/2]
- Use Lexical Variable Declared in For Loop in Continue Block - [3/2]
- Fastest, cheapest way to create a fresh, throw-away installation of perl using perlbrew? - [3/1]
- Capitalise a varying phrase in same position in Terminal - [2/4]
- Perl regex one line file - [2/2]
- perl - parse signed integer for byte lengths of 3,5,6,7 - [2/2]
- How can I escape double quotes in the system command in this perl oneliner? - [2/2]
- How to split letter and digit apart of a string in perl? - [2/2]
- Bash config file throwing errors when sourced from Perl script - [2/1]
23 mar 2019
(ccxxix) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | ack | 2.28 | 120 | A grep-like program for searching source code |
2 | App::cpm | 0.979 | 35 | a fast CPAN module installer |
3 | CPAN | 2.26 | 29 | query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites |
4 | Cpanel::JSON::XS | 4.10 | 29 | cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing |
5 | Dancer | 1.3510 | 146 | lightweight yet powerful web application framework |
6 | DBIx::Class::Migration | 0.072 | 23 | Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier |
7 | Devel::MAT | 0.42 | 22 | Perl Memory Analysis Tool |
8 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git | 2.046 | 39 | Update your git repository after release |
9 | Keyword::Declare | 0.001013 | 13 | Declare new Perl keywords...via a keyword...named keyword |
10 | Module::CoreList | 5.20190320 | 31 | what modules shipped with versions of perl |
11 | Mojolicious | 8.13 | 393 | Real-time web framework |
12 | Net::DNS | 1.20 | 18 | Perl Interface to the Domain Name System |
13 | Net::SSH2 | 0.70 | 20 | Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2. |
14 | Test2::Suite | 0.000119 | 21 | Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework. |
(ccclxi) metacpan weekly report - Data::Object
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 130
Week's winner: Data::Object (+3)
Build date: 2019/03/23 07:56:08 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: Data::Object (+3)
Build date: 2019/03/23 07:56:08 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Has::Tiny - tiny implementation of Moose-like "has" keyword
- Algorithm::MarkovChain - Object oriented Markov chain generator
- App::linerange - Retrieve line ranges from a filehandle
- App::ucpan - improved CPAN modules updater
- Arrays::Same - Test if two arrays are identical
- autopackage - Automatically set your package based on how your module was loaded.
- B::CallChecker - custom B-based op checking for subroutines
- Function::Interface - declare typed interface package
- Global::Rainbow::Map - make the world look like a rainbow, but usefully
- Hash::AutoHash::Args - Object-oriented processing of keyword-based argument lists
- lexical::underscore - access your caller's lexical underscore
- List::AssignRef - assign an arrayref to an array sensibly
- List::MapMulti - map through multiple arrays at once
- Location::GeoTool - Perl extension for Geometry processing
- MariaDB::NonBlocking - Nonblocking connections to MySQL using libmariadbclient
- Module::Quote - a quote-like operator that requires modules for you
- MooseX::ArrayRef - blessed arrayrefs with Moose
- MooseX::Attribute::Localize - localize attribute values within a scope
- MooseX::AttributeTags - tag your Moose attributes
- MooseX::AttributeTree - Inherit attribute values like HTML+CSS does
- MooseX::ClosedHash - blessed coderefs (closing over a hash) with Moose
- MooseX::CustomInitArgs - define multiple init args with custom processing
- MooseX::ErsatzMethod - provide a method implementation that isn't as good as the real thing
- MooseX::FunkyAttributes - add code smell to your Moose attributes
- MooseX::InlineTypes - declare type constraints and coercions inline with coderefs
- MooseX::InsideOut - inside-out objects with Moose
- MooseX::Interface - Java-style interfaces for Moose
- MooseX::ModifyTaggedMethods - use sub attributes to specify which methods want modifiers
- MooseX::Prototype - prototype-based programming for Moose
- MooseX::RoleFor - limit the applicability of a Moose::Role
- MooseX::RoleQR - allow "before qr{...} => sub {...};" in roles
- MooseX::WhatTheTrig - what attribute triggered me?
- MooX::Enumeration - shortcuts for working with enum attributes in Moo
- MooX::XSConstructor - glue between Moo and Class::XSConstructor
- package::compute - stop hard-coding your package names
- PerlX::QuoteOperator::Inescapable - a quote-like operator with no string escapes
- Platform - add dependencies on platforms
- Set::Equivalence - a set of objects or scalars with no duplicates and a user-configurable equivalence relation
- Smart::Dispatch - first-class switch statements
- Spreadsheet::Wright - simple spreadsheet worker
- String::Interpolate::Delayed - delay string interpolation until you really want it
- Sub::Block - manipulate blocks of code to assemble them into subs
- Sub::NonRole - prevent some subs from appearing in a role's API
- Sub::Talisman - use attributes to tag or classify subs
- Sub::Talisman::Struct - the spawn of MooX-Struct and Sub-Talisman
- Subclass::Of - import a magic subclass
- Syntax::Feature::Qwa - qwa(), qwh() and qwk() quote-like operators to create arrayrefs and hashrefs
- thanks - inline packages easily
- Tie::Reduce - a scalar that reduces its old and new values to a single value
- UNIVERSAL::ref - Turns ref() into a multimethod
Increasing its reputation:
- Ask (+1=4)
- B::DeparseTree (+1=2)
- B::Hooks::AtRuntime (+1=3)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=87)
- CPAN::Uploader (+1=15)
- Data::Object (+3=8)
- Data::Xslate (+1=4)
- Die::Hard (+1=2)
- Dotenv (+2=2)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=48)
- Exporter::Tiny (+1=19)
- FFI::Platypus::Lang::Rust (+1=5)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=42)
- Graph (+1=15)
- Hash::DefaultValue (+1=2)
- Importer (+1=11)
- Keyword::Declare (+1=13)
- Lexical::Accessor (+1=3)
- LV (+1=2)
- match::simple (+1=12)
- Minilla (+1=44)
- Minion (+1=69)
- Module::Pluggable (+1=20)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=31)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SecurityHeader (+1=2)
- Monjon (+1=5)
- Moops (+1=49)
- Moose (+1=302)
- MooseX::Aspect (+1=3)
- MooseX::ConstructInstance (+1=2)
- MooseX::Does::Delegated (+1=2)
- MooseX::Enumeration (+1=5)
- MooseX::LvalueAttribute (+1=2)
- MooseX::MungeHas (+1=6)
- MooseX::NiftyDelegation (+1=2)
- MooseX::Semantic (+1=2)
- MooseX::Traits (+1=18)
- MooseX::Types::MoreUtils (+1=2)
- MooseX::UndefTolerant (+1=7)
- MooX::ClassAttribute (+1=5)
- MooX::late (+1=11)
- MooX::ObjectBuilder (+1=2)
- MooX::Struct (+1=6)
- MooX::Traits (+1=2)
- Object::ID (+1=3)
- Object::Remote (+1=18)
- Object::Stash (+1=2)
- Object::Util (+1=10)
- P5U (+1=4)
- PDF::API2 (+1=20)
- PerlX::ArraySkip (+1=4)
- PerlX::Assert (+1=7)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=28)
- PerlX::Perform (+1=3)
- PerlX::Window (+1=3)
- Prima (+1=24)
- Pry (+1=24)
- Refinements (+1=2)
- Regexp::Util (+1=6)
- Return::Type (+1=2)
- Safe::Isa (+1=31)
- Scalar::Does (+1=8)
- Shell::Cmd (+1=2)
- Sub::Infix (+1=4)
- Sub::Lazy (+1=2)
- syntax (+1=4)
- Syntax::Collector (+1=11)
- Task::Tiny (+1=5)
- Test::Deep (+1=44)
- Test::Pod::LinkCheck (+1=2)
- Throwable::Factory (+1=8)
- Tie::Moose (+1=3)
- Time::Limit (+1=4)
- utf8::all (+1=27)
- Util::Any (+1=4)
- X::Tiny (+1=2)
- ZMQ::Raw (+1=3)
(ccclxxxv) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-23 07:48:36 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-23 07:48:36 GMT
- WebSocket server from scratch showing opcode -1 - [3/1]
- fastest way to sum the file sizes by owner in a directory - [2/6]
- Get substring using either perl or sed - [2/5]
- Perl - Declared variable with 'my', still get error - [2/2]
- Stream error, while trying to initialize deflate object in Compress::Raw::Zlib::_deflateInit - [2/1]
- Why does Encode::decode with non-latin letter locales blow up on localised strftime output? - [2/1]
- Convert integer to 8 byte long - [2/1]
- get full current crontab line, and create unique result email headers (from, subject, etc) per line - [2/1]
- perl with libxml silently crashing in Windows 10 inside loop with fork - [2/0]
- Creating different arrays through loops - [1/3]
16 mar 2019
(ccxxviii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler | 0.002230 | 18 | Extensible DBIx::Class deployment |
2 | DBIx::Class::Migration | 0.068 | 23 | Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier |
3 | Encode | 3.01 | 51 | character encodings in Perl |
4 | MetaCPAN::Client | 2.026000 | 18 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API |
5 | Module::Starter | 1.76 | 25 | a simple starter kit for any module |
6 | Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI | 2.13 | 30 | OpenAPI / Swagger plugin for Mojolicious |
7 | Plack::Middleware::Session | 0.33 | 15 | Middleware for session management |
8 | strictures | 2.000006 | 19 | Turn on strict and make most warnings fatal |
9 | Text::CSV_XS | 1.39 | 81 | Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines |
10 | ZMQ::FFI | 1.17 | 13 | version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq using ffi |
(ccclx) metacpan weekly report - Data::Object
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 59
Week's winners (+3): Data::Object
Build date: 2019/03/16 20:17:13 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+3): Data::Object
Build date: 2019/03/16 20:17:13 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::PerlCalc - A simple but feature filled command line Perl calculator
- Chart::GGPlot -
- constant::our - Perl pragma to declare constants like our vars
- Data::Struct - Simple struct building
- DateTimeX::Immutable - An immutable subclass of DateTime
- Email::SendGrid::V3 - Class for building a message to be sent through the SendGrid v3 Web API
- File::Media::Sort - Sort media files based on their filename pattern
- File::PatternMatch - parse media information from filenames
- Google::BigQuery - Google BigQuery Client Library for Perl
- JSON::MaybeUTF8 - Simple wrapper for explicit JSON Unicode text/UTF-8 byte functions
- LoadHtml - Dynamic HTML Generation Library
- Markua::Parser - Parsing Markua files and for writing books, generating DOM
- MooX::Attribute::ENV - Allow Moo attributes to get their values from %ENV
- Net::WebSocket::Server - A straightforward Perl WebSocket server with minimal dependencies.
- Protocol::DBus - D-Bus in pure Perl
- STD - The Standard Perl 6 Grammar
- Web::Feed - Generate Atom and RSS feeds
- X11::Motif -
- Zeal - Read and query Dash/Zeal docsets
Increasing its reputation:
- Alias::Any (+1=2)
- AnyEvent::I3 (+1=9)
- App::cpanminus (+1=243)
- App::cpm (+1=35)
- Bread::Board (+1=27)
- Catmandu (+1=15)
- Class::InsideOut (+1=4)
- CLI::Framework (+1=5)
- Config::Perl::V (+1=5)
- Coro (+1=64)
- Data::Object (+3=8)
- DBD::Pg (+1=73)
- DBIx::Class::MaterializedPath (+1=4)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=154)
- ExtUtils::PkgConfig (+1=4)
- Function::Parameters (+1=47)
- Glib::Object::Introspection (+1=11)
- Graphics::Framebuffer (+1=3)
- IO::Async (+1=52)
- Keyword::Declare (+1=12)
- Linux::AtaSmart (+1=2)
- Make (+1=2)
- Markdown::Pod (+1=7)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=57)
- Net::APNs::Extended (+1=2)
- PAR (+1=12)
- PAR::Packer (+1=32)
- Parse::Yapp (+1=6)
- perl (+1=334)
- Pinto (+1=56)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=45)
- SMS::Send::Twilio (+1=3)
- SQL::Tiny (+2=2)
- Text::Template (+1=19)
- USB::LibUSB (+1=2)
- X11::XCB (+1=3)
- XML::Twig (+1=52)
(ccclxxxiv) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-16 20:12:50 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-16 20:12:50 GMT
- Subset of hash keys in Perl - [4/1]
- How do I determine the version of an installed Perl module where $VERSION is not defined? - [3/1]
- How do I most reliably preserve HTML Entities when processing HTML documents with Mojo::DOM? - [3/1]
- Is this a correct (intended) usage of MooseX::Getopt? - [2/1]
- perl file association from command prompt not working - [2/0]
- How to split lines in one part of a text file differently from another? - Perl - [1/2]
- Perl - Problem with "]" in a regular expression - [1/2]
- Optimized way to calculate time duration in BASH - [1/2]
- Perl: unable to use LWP::Parallel::UserAgent for HTTPS websites - [1/1]
- Eponine.t failure as a test for Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Muscle - [1/1]
9 mar 2019
(ccxxvii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | CPAN | 2.25 | 29 | query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites |
2 | DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler | 0.002224 | 18 | Extensible DBIx::Class deployment |
3 | DBIx::Class::Migration | 0.065 | 23 | Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier |
4 | FFI::Platypus | 0.86 | 36 | Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required. |
5 | HTTP::BrowserDetect | 3.22 | 22 | Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string |
6 | Image::ExifTool | 11.30 | 27 | Read and write meta information |
7 | Imager | 1.011 | 59 | Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images |
8 | IO::Socket::SSL | 2.066 | 35 | Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET. |
9 | JSON::XS | 4.02 | 104 | JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast |
10 | libwww::perl | 6.37 | 144 | The World-Wide Web library for Perl |
11 | Test::Differences | 0.67 | 18 | Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok |
12 | ZMQ::FFI | 1.15 | 13 | version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq using ffi |
(ccclix) metacpan weekly report
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 63
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2019/03/09 21:32:47 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2019/03/09 21:32:47 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::DocKnot - Package documentation generator
- App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate - Spread date and time from Revolutionary (Republican) Calendar on Twitter, Mastodon and Freenode.
- Class::Delay - delay method dispatch until a trigerring event
- Class::Delegation - Object-oriented delegation
- Data::DefGen - Define and Generate arbitrary data.
- Data::Match - Complex data structure pattern matching
- Data::Search - Data structure search
- define - Perl pragma to declare global constants
- ex::constant::vars - create readonly variables (alternative to constant pragma)
- Hash::Match - match contents of a hash against rules
- Mash -
- MojoX::Encode::Gzip - Gzip a Mojo::Message::Response
- Noid - nice opaque identifier generator commands
- Perl6::Export - Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
- PerlX::Define - cute syntax for defining constants
- RT::Extension::ConditionalCustomFields - CF conditioned by the value of another CF
- Sub::Installer - A cleaner way to install (or reinstall) package subroutines
- Tie::AliasHash - Hash with aliases key (multiple keys, one value)
- Tie::ShadowHash - Merge multiple data sources into a hash
Increasing its reputation:
- App::Staticperl (+1=18)
- Bread::Board (+1=27)
- C::Blocks (+1=4)
- Class::Tiny (+1=28)
- common::sense (+1=16)
- Contextual::Return (+1=6)
- Coro (+1=63)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Diff (+1=3)
- Devel::MAT (+1=22)
- Devel::StackTrace (+1=24)
- Dios (+1=17)
- enum (+1=7)
- Future (+1=44)
- Hash::Case (+1=2)
- Hash::Fold (+1=2)
- Hash::Merge (+1=24)
- HTML::Escape (+1=12)
- Image::ExifTool (+1=27)
- JSON (+1=83)
- Kavorka (+1=34)
- List::Maker (+1=3)
- Mojo::AsyncAwait (+1=5)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication (+1=17)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=30)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::StaticCache (+1=2)
- Object::InsideOut (+1=5)
- Object::Result (+1=3)
- Path::Tiny (+1=143)
- perl (+1=332)
- Perl6::Builtins (+1=2)
- Perl6::Controls (+1=4)
- Perl6::Doc (+1=2)
- Perl6::Gather (+1=5)
- Perl6::Slurp (+1=9)
- Perl::Strip (+1=8)
- Readonly (+1=15)
- returning (+1=5)
- Riji (+1=4)
- Shell (+1=3)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=117)
- Twiggy::Prefork (+1=3)
- Validation::Class (+1=11)
- Var::Pairs (+1=11)
- WebAPI::DBIC (+1=18)
(ccclxxxiii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-09 13:33:56 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-09 13:33:56 GMT
- Perl - convert hexadecimal to binary and use it as string - [4/4]
- Moo object extends order - [4/1]
- How to import a constant with "use strict", avoiding "Can't use bareword ... as an ARRAY ref" - [3/3]
- Linux readelf shows object sizes with different numeral system (Hex and Dec) - [3/2]
- SQLite batch commit vs commit in shot for huge bulk inserts - [3/1]
- Avoiding SQL injections with prepare and execute - [3/1]
- How to change Mojolicious Lite default error not found to a custom json response - [2/2]
- Identifying elements in one array of hashes that are not in another array of hashes (perl) - [2/2]
- Two-sided references in a list - [2/1]
- How do I set a default FileHandle attribute with moose - [2/1]
2 mar 2019
(ccxxvi) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Alien::Build | 1.60 | 12 | Build external dependencies for use in CPAN |
2 | AnyEvent | 7.15 | 138 | simpler/faster/newer/cooler AnyEvent API |
3 | Data::UUID | 1.224 | 25 | Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs) |
4 | Date::Manip | 6.76 | 14 | Date manipulation routines |
5 | DBIx::Class::Migration | 0.063 | 23 | Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier |
6 | IO::Socket::SSL | 2.063 | 35 | Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET. |
7 | Mojo::mysql | 1.13 | 29 | Mojolicious and Async MySQL/MariaDB |
8 | Plack::Middleware::Session | 0.32 | 15 | Middleware for session management |
9 | SPVM | 0.0418 | 13 | Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast calcuration & Easy C/C++ Binding |
10 | Test::Differences | 0.66 | 18 | Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok |
11 | Text::Template | 1.55 | 18 | Expand template text with embedded Perl |
12 | ZMQ::FFI | 1.14 | 13 | version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq using ffi |
(ccclviii) metacpan weekly report - List::Gen
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 48
Week's winner: List::Gen (+2)
Build date: 2019/03/02 21:36:40 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: List::Gen (+2)
Build date: 2019/03/02 21:36:40 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Alien::premake5 - Build or find premake5
- App::shcompgen - Generate shell completion scripts
- Email::ARF - abuse report format (placeholder module)
- Getopt::Long::Subcommand - Process command-line options, with subcommands and completion
- grpc::xs - binding to the grpc library.
- Hash::Lazy - A Hash implementation with lazy evaluation feature
- Hash::WithDefaults - class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults
- HTTP::Simple - Simple procedural interface to HTTP::Tiny
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SimpleAuthorization - Simple role-based authorization
- OIDC::Lite - OpenID Connect Library
- Sort::HashKeys - Get a sorted-by-key list from a hash
- Syntax::Highlight::WithEmacs - syntax-highlight source code using Emacs
- Tie::Hash::Stack - Maintains an array of hashes like a stack.
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Tools (+1=4)
- App::Cmd (+1=38)
- App::Nopaste (+1=27)
- App::p (+1=9)
- BerkeleyDB (+1=6)
- Cpanel::JSON::XS (+1=29)
- Daemon::Control (+1=41)
- DateTime (+1=188)
- Deep::Hash::Utils (+1=4)
- Encode (+1=51)
- File::SearchPath (+1=2)
- Getopt::Long (+1=94)
- Git (+1=2)
- Hash::MoreUtils (+1=3)
- Hash::MostUtils (+1=2)
- Hash::Ordered (+1=28)
- Hash::Util::Pick (+1=3)
- List::Gen (+2=19)
- List::UtilsBy (+1=32)
- local::lib (+1=77)
- MIDI::Perl (+1=6)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization (+1=8)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig (+1=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI (+1=3)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=29)
- Number::Bytes::Human (+1=3)
- Path::Tiny (+1=142)
- Perl::Build (+1=16)
- Plack::Middleware::Session (+1=15)
- RT::Client::REST (+1=4)
- Starlet (+1=15)
- Text::Iconv (+1=3)
- Tree::Trie (+1=6)
- Types::DBIx::Class (+1=3)
(ccclxxxii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-02 21:10:21 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-03-02 21:10:21 GMT
- What is the origin of the word "arisdottle"? - [4/2]
- Perl/Sed command to replace same pattern multiple times - [3/3]
- How to get a group matched in a recursive regular expression? - [3/3]
- Perl PDL : Search if a vector is in an array or in a matrix - [3/2]
- Printing specific number of key-value pairs in a hash - [3/2]
- Installing packages with cpan - [3/1]
- perl 'last' statement and variable scope - [3/1]
- perl capture groups with logs using regular expressions - [2/4]
- Print each line of a file - [2/3]
- Accessing a multi-dimensional hash using strings - [2/3]
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