This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2018/05/05 17:42:59 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Command::Runner - run external commands and Perl code refs
- Image::Find::Paths - Find paths in an image.
- Mojo::IOLoop::Thread - Threaded Replacement for Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess
- Mojo::Server::Threaded - Multithreaded non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server
- Tie::Autotie - Automatically ties underlying references
- WWW::YouTube::Info - gain info on YouTube video by VIDEO_ID
Increasing its reputation:
- App::cpm (+1=30)
- Bash::Completion (+1=6)
- Bash::Completion::Plugins::perlbrew (+1=4)
- Bio::ToolBox (+1=2)
- Cache::FastMmap (+1=16)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+1=134)
- Contextual::Return (+1=4)
- Crypt::URandom (+1=3)
- Data::Cuid (+1=2)
- Data::Mining::Apriori (+1=3)
- Dumbbench (+1=13)
- Finance::QuoteHist (+1=4)
- JavaScript::Value::Escape (+1=2)
- JSON::Path (+1=6)
- JSON::PP (+1=12)
- lazy (+1=4)
- Math::Complex (+1=5)
- Mojo::mysql (+1=26)
- MooseX::MungeHas (+1=5)
- Mozilla::CA (+1=14)
- NetAddr::IP (+1=9)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+1=63)
- PerlIO::utf8_strict (+1=5)
- Plack (+1=203)
- Pod::Weaver (+1=29)
- pQuery (+1=13)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=131)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=60)
- Statistics::Descriptive (+1=11)
- Sub::Name (+1=26)
- Test::MockModule (+1=11)
- Test::TempDir::Tiny (+1=11)
- Text::CSV_XS (+1=74)
- Text::Xslate (+1=59)
- Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like (+1=4)
- Unicode::Collate (+1=7)
- URI (+1=87)
- Web::Machine (+1=25)
- XML::LibXML::jQuery (+1=2)
- XS::Tutorial (+1=11)
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