Week's winners (+3): JSON::XS
Build date: 2017/04/23 07:55:47 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Beam::Minion - A distributed task runner for Beam::Wire containers
- CPAN::Upload::Tiny - A tiny CPAN uploader
- HTML::Query - perform jQuery-like queries on HTML::Element trees
- Lingua::Han::Stroke - Retrieve the stroke count of Chinese character.
- Mastodon::Client - Talk to a Mastodon server
- MVC::Neaf - Not Even A (Web Application) Framework
- Text::Table::HTML - Generate HTML table
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+1=10)
- AnyEvent (+1=119)
- App::cpanminus (+1=220)
- App::GitGot (+1=19)
- Autoload::AUTOCAN (+2=2)
- Carton (+1=76)
- Class::XSAccessor (+1=17)
- Cpanel::JSON::XS (+1=19)
- Data::Clone (+1=9)
- Data::Printer (+1=111)
- DBD::Pg (+1=60)
- Devel::REPL (+1=52)
- Devel::Size (+1=12)
- Directory::Queue (+1=3)
- Exception::Class (+1=20)
- Feersum (+1=9)
- File::Copy::Recursive (+1=10)
- File::Slurper (+1=32)
- Google::API::Client (+1=2)
- IO::Compress (+1=11)
- IO::Socket::SSL (+1=29)
- IO::Socket::Timeout (+1=3)
- Jenkins::API (+1=6)
- JSON::XS (+2=89)
- Log::Any (+1=44)
- MARC (+1=0)
- Math::AnyNum (+1=2)
- Math::Prime::Util (+1=12)
- Message::Passing (+1=17)
- Mojo::SQLite (+1=13)
- Moo (+1=224)
- Moose (+2=261)
- MooseX::Params::Validate (+1=13)
- Mouse (+1=47)
- namespace::autoclean (+1=20)
- Net::Twitter (+1=28)
- Paws (+1=23)
- PDL (+1=31)
- PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot (+1=5)
- perl (+1=292)
- Poppler (+1=2)
- pQuery (+1=12)
- Raisin (+1=26)
- Scrappy (+1=7)
- SQL::Translator (+1=30)
- TermReadKey (+1=9)
- Test::Fatal (+1=38)
- Text::Diff (+1=10)
- Text::Table::Tiny (+1=9)
- Text::VimColor (+1=10)
- Throwable (+1=31)
- Try::Tiny (+2=142)
- URI::Normalize (+1=2)
- WebService::Client (+1=5)
- YAML::LibYAML (+1=37)
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