Week's winner: CryptX (+3)
Build date: 2017/04/08 12:45:04 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Android::Build - Lint, run, install an Android App
- App::perl2js - A module that transpile Perl code to JavaScript as readable as possible.
- Config::Merged - Load and merge configuration from different file formats, transparently
- Data::Chronicle - Chronicle storage system
- Math::AnyNum - Arbitrary size precision for integers, rationals, floating-points and complex numbers.
- Proc::Lite - A lightweight module for running processes synchronously
- SimpleR::Reshape - Reshape data like R
- Tenjin - Fast templating engine with support for embedded Perl.
- Term::Report - Easy way to create dynamic 'reports' from within scripts.
- Term::Spinner::Color - A terminal spinner/progress bar with Unicode, color, and no non-core dependencies.
- VCF - Module for validation, parsing and creating VCF files.
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Bleach (+1=5)
- AI::MXNet (+1=8)
- App::FatPacker::Simple (+1=4)
- App::Prun (+1=4)
- BioPerl (+2=18)
- Carton (+1=75)
- carton (+1=36)
- Class::Inspector (+1=12)
- Color::ANSI::Util (+1=4)
- CryptX (+3=22)
- Data::Util (+1=6)
- DBD::Pg (+1=59)
- Devel::DumpTrace (+1=4)
- Digest::MD5 (+1=26)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=154)
- Etcd (+1=4)
- Facebook::Graph (+1=9)
- Farabi (+1=25)
- File::ChangeNotify (+1=5)
- Filesys::POSIX (+1=5)
- Filter::Simple (+1=4)
- forks::BerkeleyDB (+1=3)
- Function::Parameters (+1=37)
- Galileo (+1=22)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=34)
- Harriet (+1=5)
- HTML::Parser (+1=35)
- Inline::C (+1=20)
- Inline::CPP (+1=4)
- Inline::Java (+1=4)
- Inline::Lua (+1=2)
- Inline::Perl6 (+1=4)
- Inline::Python (+1=4)
- Inline::Ruby (+1=2)
- IO::Async (+1=36)
- IO::Prompter (+1=10)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=63)
- match::simple (+1=11)
- Math::Prime::Util::GMP (+1=5)
- Method::Signatures (+1=34)
- Modern::Perl (+1=40)
- Module::Install (+1=15)
- Modulino::Demo (+1=3)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=45)
- Mojolicious (+1=336)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=15)
- Moo (+1=222)
- Moose (+2=260)
- Mouse (+1=46)
- Net::Ping (+1=8)
- Nginx::Perl (+1=11)
- OpenGL (+1=8)
- Padre (+1=35)
- PAR (+1=8)
- PAR::Packer (+1=26)
- Path::Class (+1=76)
- Path::Tiny (+2=115)
- PDL (+2=30)
- perl (+1=292)
- Perl::Critic::Freenode (+1=7)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=89)
- PerlPowerTools (+1=15)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=22)
- podlators (+1=9)
- POE (+1=39)
- Resque (+1=9)
- RPM2 (+1=2)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=125)
- Scrappy (+1=6)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=56)
- SQL::Functional (+1=8)
- Statistics::R (+1=10)
- String::Trim (+1=8)
- Task::Kensho (+1=73)
- Template::Toolkit (+2=106)
- Test::Class::Moose (+1=14)
- Test::Deep (+1=38)
- Test::File (+1=7)
- Test::Harness (+1=47)
- Test::LWP::UserAgent (+1=10)
- Test::Simple (+1=141)
- Text::CSV (+1=47)
- Text::Tabs+Wrap (+1=10)
- Tk (+2=17)
- URI::Find (+1=8)
- WWW::Crawler::Mojo (+1=2)
- YAML (+1=50)
- YAML::LibYAML (+1=36)
- YAML::Tiny (+1=24)
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