Week's winners (+2): RPi::WiringPi, WiringPi::API
Build date: 2017/03/18 08:44:49 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::RPi::EnvUI - One-page asynchronous grow room environment control web application
- App::TeleGramma - A modular Telegram Bot
- Internals::DumpArenas - Dump perl memory
- Language::LispPerl - A lisp in pure Perl with perl bindings.
- Test::NoLeaks - Memory and file descriptor leak detector
- WWW::Crawler::Mojo - A web crawling framework for Perl
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+1=6)
- Cache::FastMmap (+1=14)
- Dancer2 (+1=82)
- Dash::Leak (+1=2)
- Database::Migrator (+1=3)
- DBD::Pg (+1=57)
- Devel::CheckLib (+1=8)
- Feersum (+1=8)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=25)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Model (+1=2)
- NativeCall (+1=7)
- PathTools (+1=56)
- perl (+1=290)
- PSGI (+1=43)
- Ref::Util (+1=18)
- Rex::Test::Spec (+1=2)
- RPi::WiringPi (+2=4)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=123)
- String::Random (+1=13)
- Time::HiRes (+1=47)
- WebNano (+1=2)
- WebService::Solr (+1=6)
- WiringPi::API (+2=3)
- XML::Generator (+1=5)
- XML::Hash::XS (+1=9)
- XML::Rabbit (+1=21)
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