Week's winners (+3): App::Prun
Build date: 2017/03/31 19:34:59 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Encoding::FixLatin - takes mixed encoding input and produces UTF-8 output
- Etcd3 -
- Gzip::RandomAccess - extract arbitrary bits of a gzip stream
- Math::BaseCalc - Convert numbers between various bases
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Google::Cloud::UserAgent - A user agent for GCP
- Net::LDAP::Class - object-relational mapper for Net::LDAP
- Progress::Any::Output::DesktopNotify - Output progress to Desktop::Notify
- ProgressBar::Stack - Progress bar implementation with stack support and useful loop wrappers
- Test2::Harness - Test2 based test harness.
- Test2::Workflow - A test workflow is a way of structuring tests using composable units.
- Wurm - Simple. Easy. Crawls in your teeth. Web framework. Did I mention it was a web framework? Another one.
- XML::Feed::Aggregator - Simple feed aggregator
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+1=7)
- Algorithm::Dependency (+1=2)
- Alien::Base (+1=14)
- App::Prun (+3=4)
- App::Sqitch (+1=33)
- Archive::Tar (+1=11)
- Bitcoin::RPC::Client (+1=3)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=25)
- Class::Accessor::Lite (+1=7)
- Code::TidyAll (+1=28)
- Convert::Base32 (+1=2)
- CPAN::Changes (+1=22)
- Curses (+1=3)
- Dancer2 (+1=85)
- Data::IEEE754::Tools (+1=3)
- DateTime::Format::MySQL (+1=13)
- DBD::SQLite (+1=66)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+1=21)
- DBIx::Simple (+1=28)
- Devel::CheckLib (+1=9)
- Devel::CheckOS (+1=11)
- Devel::MAT (+1=9)
- Devel::SizeMe (+1=13)
- Devel::Trace (+1=17)
- Dumbbench (+1=13)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=26)
- File::chdir (+1=21)
- File::Find::Rule (+1=31)
- File::pushd (+1=10)
- Future (+1=31)
- Getopt::Long (+1=83)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=33)
- Graph (+1=11)
- Hash::Merge (+1=21)
- Imager (+1=56)
- IO::Socket::SSL (+1=28)
- JIRA::REST (+1=8)
- Log::Any (+1=43)
- Memoize (+1=19)
- MIME::Base64 (+1=17)
- Module::Version (+1=10)
- Mojo::JWT (+1=9)
- Mojolicious (+1=336)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ReplyTable (+1=4)
- MongoDB (+1=76)
- Moo (+2=221)
- Mouse (+1=45)
- Net::OpenSSH::Parallel (+1=7)
- Net::SFTP::Foreign (+1=17)
- Object::Remote (+1=16)
- Path::Iterator::Rule (+1=19)
- Progress::Any (+1=6)
- Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor (+1=3)
- Ref::Util (+1=19)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=41)
- REST::Client (+1=9)
- RPerl (+1=18)
- Search::Elasticsearch (+1=26)
- Server::Starter (+1=21)
- SQL::Abstract (+2=56)
- SQL::Functional (+1=7)
- String::Trim (+1=7)
- Term::ProgressBar (+1=17)
- Test2::Suite (+1=7)
- Test::Differences (+1=15)
- Test::Mock::LWP (+1=3)
- Test::Roo (+1=12)
- Text::Diff (+1=9)
- Tie::Array::CSV (+1=4)
- Tk (+1=16)
- Types::Path::Tiny (+1=13)
- URI::db (+1=5)
- Web::Simple (+1=22)
- WWW::Mechanize (+1=70)
- XML::Feed (+1=7)
- XML::Twig (+1=47)
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