This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 195
Build date: 2012/10/04 19:28:24 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::CPAN::Fresh
- Business::IBAN
- Catalyst::Plugin::CustomErrorMessage
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File
- CPAN::Repository
- Crypt::GCrypt
- Data::Rmap
- Data::Visitor
- DateTime::Format::Human::Duration
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer
- DBIx::RetryOverDisconnects
- Devel::Symdump
- Dist::Data
- Exporter::Simple
- File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir
- HTML::Escape
- HTML::FromArrayref
- IPC::Run3
- List::Categorize
- Mail::Exchange
- Math::Polyhedra
- Module::CPANfile
- Module::Data
- Mojolicious::Plugin::FormFields
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ParamExpand
- MooX
- MooX::Cmd
- MooX::HasEnv
- Parallel::Forker
- Path::ScanINC
- Pony::Object
- Reflexive::Client::HTTP
- Set::IntSpan::Fast
- Storm
- Stream::Buffered
- Sys::Facter
- Task::BeLike::GETTY
- Template::Provider::Encoding
- Term::ANSIScreen
- Term::ProgressBar::Simple
- Test::LoadAllModules
- URL::Encode
- UV
- Vi::QuickFix
- WWW::Authy
- WWW::Ruler
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (24)
- aliased (7)
- AnyEvent::DBI (3)
- App::cpanminus (58)
- App::TimeTracker (2)
- autodie (18)
- autouse (2)
- B::C (3)
- Bread::Board (9)
- Capture::Tiny (14)
- Carp (4)
- carton (14)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session (6)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie (5)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding (3)
- Catalyst::Runtime (56)
- Catalyst::View::Email (5)
- Catalyst::View::JSON (4)
- Catalyst::View::TT (8)
- CGI::Expand (2)
- Chart (2)
- Class::Accessor (3)
- Clone (2)
- Config::General (9)
- Config::INI (3)
- cpan::listchanges (5)
- CPAN::Mini (8)
- Daemon::Control (11)
- Data::Dump (7)
- Data::Printer (26)
- Data::Section (3)
- Date::Calc (3)
- DateTime (55)
- DateTime::Format::Epoch (2)
- DBD::SQLite (17)
- DBI (60)
- DBIx::Class (75)
- DBIx::Class::Candy (4)
- DBIx::Class::TimeStamp (4)
- DBIx::Connector (9)
- Devel::NYTProf (25)
- Devel::REPL (13)
- Devel::Trace (2)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (14)
- Encode (7)
- Expect (2)
- Furl (6)
- Gapp (2)
- Git::Raw (2)
- Graph (2)
- HTML::Parser (8)
- HTTP::Tiny (12)
- Inline (4)
- JSON (18)
- JSON::XS (18)
- List::MoreUtils (37)
- Log::Dispatch (8)
- Log::Log4perl (11)
- Method::Signatures (11)
- MIME::Lite (9)
- mod_perl (3)
- Module::Build (11)
- Mojolicious (80)
- Moo (40)
- Moose (92)
- MooseX::FileAttribute (2)
- MooseX::Getopt (7)
- MooseX::MultiMethods (2)
- MooseX::NonMoose (5)
- MooseX::Traits (8)
- MooseX::Types (17)
- MooX::Options (4)
- namespace::autoclean (4)
- Net::Appliance::Session (2)
- Net::CLI::Interact (3)
- Object::Tiny (6)
- OX (2)
- PadWalker (2)
- Params::Validate (8)
- Path::Class (28)
- Perl::Critic (26)
- Perl::Tidy (19)
- Pinto (2)
- Plack (68)
- Plack::Middleware::Debug (5)
- Plack::Middleware::TemplateToolkit (3)
- Pod::Cpandoc (2)
- Poet (2)
- PPI (13)
- Proc::JobQueue (2)
- PSGI (12)
- Redis (7)
- Reflex (2)
- Regexp::Debugger (9)
- Regexp::Grammars (5)
- Scalar::List::Utils (28)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (7)
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (5)
- SQL::Abstract (12)
- Starman (29)
- Sub::Exporter (10)
- Task::Kensho (14)
- Template::Toolkit (34)
- Term::ProgressBar (2)
- Test::Fatal (13)
- Test::MockModule (3)
- Test::Requires (2)
- Test::Simple (39)
- Test::TCP (4)
- Text::CSV_XS (21)
- Text::Markup (5)
- Text::Xslate (8)
- Time::HiRes (4)
- Time::Piece (2)
- Try::Tiny (40)
- URI (23)
- Web::Query (2)
- Web::Simple (11)
- YAML (17)
- YAML::Syck (8)
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