This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 43
Week's winner: Mojolicious (+2)
Build date: 2025/01/04 21:51:46 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::CPANModules::CLI::Wrapper::UnixCommand - List of various CLIs that wrap existing Unix commands
- Acme::CPANModules::DiffWrappers - List of wrappers for the diff Unix command
- Acme::CPANModules::GrepVariants - List of grep-like CLI utilities available on CPAN
- DateTime::Format::RelativeTime - A Web Intl.RelativeTimeFormat Class Implementation
- HTML::EntityReference - A minimal, abstract, and reusable list of HTML entities
- kura - Store constraints for Data::Checks, Type::Tiny, Moose, and more.
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Polynomial - Polynomial routines for Math::Symbolic
- Net::DNS::Paranoid - paranoid dns resolver
- Raylib::FFI - Perl FFI bindings for raylib
- Result::Simple - A dead simple perl-ish Result like F#, Rust, Go, etc.
- VAPID - Voluntary Application Server Identification
- Webservice::Rosary::API - Perl API client for the Rosary API at and
- Webservice::Sendy::API - Sendy's integration API Perl client and commandline utility
Increasing its reputation:
- Algorithm::LibLinear (+1=6)
- Aniki (+1=7)
- Antsy (+1=3)
- App::cpanminus (+1=282)
- App::cpm (+1=74)
- DBIx::Schema::DSL (+1=10)
- e (+1=4)
- Email::MIME (+1=21)
- File::Slurp (+1=75)
- HTML::Escape (+1=15)
- HTTP::Proxy (+1=5)
- MCE (+1=108)
- MIME::Lite (+1=34)
- Minilla (+1=62)
- Module::Build (+1=49)
- Mojolicious (+2=502)
- perl (+1=425)
- Perl::Critic::Community (+1=7)
- PerlIO::gzip (+1=14)
- Pod::Perldoc (+1=11)
- Poz (+1=3)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=176)
- SQL::QueryMaker (+1=2)
- Syntax::Keyword::Assert (+1=2)
- Test::Requires (+1=18)
- Test::Simple (+1=190)
- UNIVERSAL::Object (+1=15)
- Valiant (+1=5)
- XML::Hash::XS (+1=13)
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