This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 167
Week's winner: TAP::Formatter::GitHubActions (+3)
Build date: 2023/12/02 20:37:22 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::Pg - Query a PostgreSQL database asynchronously
- AnyEvent::Run - Run a process or coderef asynchronously
- builtin::compat - Provide builtin functions for older perl versions
- Cache::Historical - Cache historical values
- CLI::Simple - Simple command line script accelerator
- Future::XS - experimental XS implementation of Future
- IPC::Transit - A framework for high performance message passing
- jacode -
- libwin32 -
- Log::Dispatch::Config - Abstract Configurator class
- Mail::DWIM - Do-What-I-Mean Mailer
- Mojo::Promise::Role::Futurify - Chain a Future from a Mojo::Promise
- Net::DNS::Multicast - Multicast extension to Net::DNS
- Socket::Mmsg - Perl extension for recvmmsg and sendmmsg Linux syscalls
- Unix::Syslog - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
- WebService::iThenticate - A library to access the iThenticate web service
- Win32::ShutDown - a perl extension to let you shutdown and/or restart and/or logoff a Windows PC
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=131)
- Algorithm::Combinatorics (+1=26)
- AnyEvent (+1=163)
- AnyEvent::DBI (+1=11)
- AnyEvent::SSH2 (+1=17)
- Apache::ASP (+1=5)
- App::AsciiChart (+1=3)
- Array::Transpose (+1=3)
- autodie (+1=62)
- boolean (+1=21)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=102)
- Carp (+2=70)
- Carton (+1=126)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+1=156)
- Chart (+1=9)
- CHI (+1=58)
- Code::TidyAll (+1=41)
- constant (+2=14)
- Dancer (+1=148)
- Dancer2 (+1=135)
- Data::Clone (+1=11)
- Data::Dumper (+1=102)
- Data::Printer (+1=148)
- Data::Validate::IP (+1=12)
- DateTime (+2=213)
- DateTime::TimeZone (+1=20)
- DBD::Pg (+1=95)
- DBI (+1=270)
- DBIx::Class (+1=287)
- DBM::Deep (+1=29)
- Devel::NYTProf (+2=187)
- Devel::PPPort (+1=12)
- Devel::StackTrace (+1=26)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::DynamicPrereqs (+1=3)
- Encode (+1=61)
- EV (+1=47)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=62)
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker (+1=56)
- File::Find::Wanted (+1=3)
- File::HomeDir (+1=34)
- File::Slurp (+2=74)
- File::Temp (+2=65)
- FindBin (+1=5)
- Function::Parameters (+1=59)
- Getopt::Long (+1=121)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+2=55)
- HTML::Parser (+1=46)
- HTML::Tiny (+1=2)
- HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath (+1=22)
- HTTP::Message (+2=65)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=112)
- Imager (+1=63)
- IO (+1=62)
- IO::All (+1=68)
- IO::Async (+1=75)
- IO::Async::SSL (+1=4)
- JSON (+1=105)
- JSON::XS (+1=117)
- libwww::perl (+2=166)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=116)
- local::lib (+1=92)
- Log::Any (+1=62)
- Log::Log4perl (+2=106)
- LWP::Protocol::https (+1=20)
- Math::Round (+1=16)
- MCE (+1=103)
- Minion (+2=104)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=73)
- Mojolicious (+1=491)
- Moo (+1=301)
- Moose (+1=328)
- Mouse (+1=61)
- Net::SSH2 (+1=25)
- Net::SSH2::Cisco (+1=3)
- Net::SSLeay (+1=25)
- Object::Pad (+1=41)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+1=95)
- Path::Tiny (+1=184)
- PathTools (+1=80)
- perl (+1=421)
- Perl::Critic (+2=130)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=139)
- PerlPowerTools (+1=37)
- Plack (+1=233)
- Plack::Middleware::Greylist (+1=2)
- Pod::Tidy (+1=4)
- Pod::Usage (+1=45)
- Readonly (+1=21)
- Redis::Namespace (+1=2)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=56)
- Role::Tiny (+1=69)
- Sereal (+1=63)
- Server::Starter (+1=22)
- Set::Scalar (+1=19)
- Software::License (+1=15)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=74)
- SQL::Abstract::More (+1=21)
- Storable (+1=54)
- Struct::Dumb (+1=15)
- Syntax::Construct (+1=11)
- TAP::Formatter::GitHubActions (+3=3)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=144)
- Term::ANSIColor (+2=65)
- TermReadKey (+1=21)
- Test2::Suite (+1=45)
- Test::Deep (+1=54)
- Test::Harness (+1=62)
- Test::Log::Dispatch (+1=2)
- Test::Pod::Coverage (+1=23)
- Test::Script (+1=9)
- Test::Simple (+1=190)
- Test::Vars (+1=12)
- Test::Version (+1=6)
- Text::CSV (+1=79)
- Text::CSV_XS (+2=100)
- Time::HiRes (+1=61)
- Time::Piece (+1=56)
- TimeDate (+1=28)
- Try::Tiny (+1=175)
- Type::Tiny (+2=138)
- Types::DBIx::Class (+1=2)
- UnQLite (+1=5)
- URI (+1=111)
- WebSocket (+1=2)
- WWW::Mechanize (+2=100)
- XML::LibXML (+1=99)
- XML::Twig (+1=61)
- XSLoader (+2=6)
- YAML (+1=71)
- YAML::LibYAML (+2=56)
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