This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 56
Week's winners (+3): Crypt::Passphrase
Build date: 2022/01/15 20:43:56 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Crypt::Bcrypt - A modern bcrypt implementation
- Crypt::OpenSSL::Verify - OpenSSL Verify certificate verification in XS.
- Data::CompactReadonly - a description of CompactReadonly data format, version 0.
- Feature::Compat::Defer - make defer syntax available
- MojoX::Log::Dispatch::Simple - Simple Log::Dispatch replacement of Mojo::Log
- ReturnValue - A structured return value for failure or success
- String::Interpolate::Named - Interpolated named arguments in string
- Tree::RB::XS - Red/Black Tree container with similar API to Tree::RB
- Util::H2O - Hash to Object: turns hashrefs into objects with accessors for keys
- YAML::Parser - Generated Reference Parser for YAML 1.2
Increasing its reputation:
- Alien::Build (+1=20)
- AnyEvent::Promises (+1=5)
- App::cpm (+1=56)
- autocroak (+1=2)
- Autoload::AUTOCAN (+1=4)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=33)
- Code::TidyAll (+1=37)
- Crypt::Passphrase (+3=12)
- Data::PathSimple (+1=2)
- Devel::IPerl (+1=21)
- File::Fetch (+1=3)
- File::Slurper (+1=40)
- File::XDG (+2=7)
- Gazelle (+1=24)
- GD (+1=24)
- HTML::HTML5::Parser (+1=5)
- JSON::Path (+1=9)
- List::Keywords (+1=8)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=110)
- Log::Dispatch (+1=43)
- Math::BigInt (+1=10)
- Minilla (+1=54)
- Mojolicious (+1=466)
- Moose (+1=320)
- Open::This (+1=9)
- Parse::nm (+1=2)
- Path::Tiny (+1=167)
- perl (+1=388)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=123)
- PerlPowerTools (+1=30)
- PLS (+1=9)
- Pod::Markdown (+1=31)
- Pod::Markdown::Github (+1=6)
- RxPerl (+1=10)
- Sentry::SDK (+1=2)
- Syntax::Construct (+1=9)
- Syntax::Keyword::Defer (+1=7)
- Text::Amuse (+1=2)
- Text::CSV_XS (+1=94)
- Type::Tiny (+1=128)
- Unicode::LineBreak (+1=9)
- Unicode::Normalize (+1=8)
- YAML::PP (+1=12)
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