This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 48
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2021/11/13 23:44:22 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::ansiecho - Command to produce ANSI terminal code
- App::ASCIIUtils - Utilities related to ASCII
- App::contenttype - to search Content-Type
- App::csv2tsv -
- App::PermuteNamed - Permute multiple-valued key-value pairs
- App::scriptdist - create a distribution around a perl script
- App::tonematch - A script to test the tone perception of your ears.
- App::tracepm - Trace dependencies of your Perl script
- B::Tree - Simplified version of B::Graph for demonstration
- Binance::API - Perl module for interacting with the Binance API.
- Data::Text - Class to handle text in an OO way
Increasing its reputation:
- App::AsciiChart (+1=2)
- App::datecalc (+1=2)
- App::Inspect (+1=3)
- App::LintPrereqs (+1=2)
- App::MarkFiles (+1=2)
- App::MiseEnPlace (+1=4)
- App::pathed (+1=2)
- App::plx (+1=4)
- App::spaceless (+1=2)
- App::watchdo (+1=2)
- App::WithSound (+1=2)
- CallBackery (+1=4)
- CPAN::Uploader (+1=22)
- Crypt::Passphrase (+1=9)
- Dancer (+1=144)
- Dancer2 (+1=126)
- ExtUtils::Depends (+1=3)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=56)
- File::XDG (+1=5)
- Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic (+1=9)
- Gzip::Faster (+1=6)
- IO::Async (+1=65)
- Iterator::Simple (+1=6)
- JSONSchema::Validator (+1=2)
- Lingua::EN::ABC (+1=2)
- MojoX::DirectoryListing (+1=3)
- Net::Server (+1=29)
- perl (+1=384)
- Perl::Critic::Community (+1=2)
- perlsecret (+1=49)
- Plack::Middleware::Deflater (+1=6)
- TOML::Tiny (+1=5)
- Tree::RB (+1=2)
- WWW::Mechanize (+1=89)
- WWW::OAuth (+1=2)
- XML::Twig (+1=57)
- ZMQ::FFI (+1=16)
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