This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 107
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2021/06/05 14:35:54 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Boolean - There is more then one way to be true.
- Alter - Alter Ego Objects
- CLASS - Alias for __PACKAGE__
- Class::Accessor::Lazy - class accessors generation with lazy accessors and fast mode support.
- Class::ArrayObjects - utility class for array based objects
- Class::Axelerator - Evade OO taxes
- Class::Closure - Encapsulated, declarative class style
- Class::Constructor - Simplify the creation of object constructors
- Class::FakeAttributes - Provide fake attributes for non-hash-based objects
- Class::Field - Class Field Accessor Generator
- Class::Implements - pretend that your class is another class
- Class::Object - each object is its own class
- Class::Property - Perl implementation of class properties.
- Class::Rebless - Rebase deep data structures
- Class::Tie::InsideOut - Inside-out objects on the cheap using tied hashes
- enum::fields - Perl extension for defining constants for use in Array-based objects
- Enumeration - Yet Another enumeration class implementation.
- exact::class - Simple class interface extension for exact
- Exporter::Declare - Exporting done right
- ExportTo - export any function/method to any namespace
- HashBang - Write your own language interpreters
- Lexical::Import - clean imports from package-exporting modules
- Math::EMA - compute the exponential moving average
- Mo::xxx - Add XXX support to classes
- Net::WebSocket::EV - Perl wrapper around Wslay websocket library
- no - Now `use no` is not a `no no`
- Object::Realize::Later - Delayed realization of objects
- Perl::Critic::Policy::InputOutput::ProhibitHighPrecedentLogicalOperatorErrorHandling - prohibits logical error handling in open statements
- Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::RequireDefault - Always use the /a or /aa modifier with regular expressions.
- Perldoc - Documentation Framework for Perl
- Plack::App::SourceViewer - The Source Code Viewer for Plack
- Plack::Middleware::AutoRefresh - Reload pages in browsers when files are modified
- Plack::Middleware::REPL - REPL when your application throws errors or warnings
- Prometheus::Tiny - A tiny Prometheus client
- rig - Bundle up your favorite modules and imports into one call
- Sub::Exporter::Lexical - to export lexically-available subs with Sub::Exporter
- Sub::Mage - Multi-Use utility for manipulating subroutines, classes and more.
- the - This is teh, best module evar!
Increasing its reputation:
- asa (+1=2)
- Assert::Conditional (+1=3)
- Authen::Simple::LDAP (+1=6)
- autobox::Core (+1=21)
- AWS::Lambda (+1=6)
- Bible::OBML::Gateway (+1=2)
- boolean (+1=15)
- CGI::Tiny (+1=4)
- Class::Accessor (+1=18)
- Class::Enum (+1=3)
- Class::MethodMaker (+1=3)
- Class::OOorNO (+1=2)
- Const::Fast (+1=32)
- decorators (+1=2)
- enum (+1=10)
- enum::hash (+1=3)
- enum::prefix (+1=2)
- exact (+1=5)
- Exporter::Auto (+1=2)
- Exporter::Lexical (+1=2)
- Exporter::Lite (+1=9)
- Exporter::Simple (+1=2)
- File::Share (+1=10)
- forks (+1=21)
- Form::Tiny (+1=3)
- Geo::IP (+1=11)
- Gloom (+1=3)
- Gravatar::URL (+1=5)
- Import::Base (+1=15)
- Import::Into (+1=34)
- Importer (+1=13)
- inc (+1=2)
- Inline::Module (+1=12)
- Inline::YAML (+1=4)
- Jemplate (+1=7)
- JSONY (+1=5)
- Lexical::Var (+1=3)
- Lingy (+1=2)
- List::Helpers::XS (+1=3)
- List::Keywords (+1=7)
- mixin (+1=3)
- Module::Pluggable (+1=24)
- Moops (+1=52)
- Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ (+1=15)
- Number::Phone (+1=14)
- Object::Sub (+1=2)
- only (+1=3)
- perl (+1=378)
- perl5 (+1=3)
- Perl::LanguageServer (+1=20)
- Plack (+1=223)
- Plack::App::Proxy (+1=9)
- Plack::Middleware::Session::Simple (+1=6)
- Proc::ProcessTable (+1=20)
- PSGI (+1=50)
- Safe::Isa (+1=32)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=153)
- Scalar::Properties (+1=2)
- Spiffy (+1=5)
- Statocles (+1=30)
- Sub::Import (+1=4)
- SUPER (+1=5)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=131)
- Test::Differences (+1=19)
- Test::Simple (+1=170)
- Test::Smoke (+1=4)
- Toolkit (+1=4)
- ToolSet (+1=7)
- XXX (+1=11)
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