This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 40
Week's winner: Mojolicious (+2)
Build date: 2021/04/10 19:01:29 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- CGI::ProgressBar - sub-class with a progress bar object
- Crayon - dedupe, minify and extend CSS
- DBIx::BlackBox - Access database with stored procedures only
- File::LsColor - Colorize input filenames like ls(1)
- Graph::D3 - Create ref/json to show node-edge graph with D3.js
- Image::CairoSVG - render SVG into a Cairo surface
- Math::BaseArith - mixed-base number arithmetic (like APL encode/decode)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DBIC - Mojolicious ♥ DBIx::Class
- OpenMP::Environment - Perl extension managing OpenMP variables in %ENV within a script.
Increasing its reputation:
- B::Hooks::EndOfScope (+1=9)
- BerkeleyDB (+1=11)
- Clone (+1=27)
- CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps (+1=4)
- Dancer2 (+1=123)
- DBI (+1=250)
- Devel::IPerl (+1=19)
- Dotenv (+1=4)
- Graphics::ColorNames::WWW (+1=2)
- Mojo::DOM58 (+1=6)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=66)
- Mojolicious (+2=450)
- Moo (+1=282)
- Moose (+1=316)
- Net::CIDR::Lite (+1=4)
- Net::Graylog::Client (+1=3)
- Number::Bytes::Human (+1=5)
- Object::Pad (+1=7)
- OrePAN (+1=5)
- PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot (+1=8)
- PPIx::Regexp (+1=5)
- PPR (+1=17)
- Smart::Comments (+1=39)
- Sub::Exporter::ForMethods::0.100053 (+1=0)
- Sub::Meta (+1=4)
- Task::Dancer2 (+1=5)
- Text::Markdown::Hoedown (+1=11)
- Text::Table (+1=14)
- Time::Moment (+1=70)
- UUID::Tiny (+1=10)
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