This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 74
Week's winner: Acme::ConspiracyTheory::Random (+5)
Build date: 2021/02/06 19:40:42 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Feature::Compat::Try - make try/catch syntax available
- libalarm - Module handling tying of %SIG for alarm extensions.
- Net::RDAP - an interface to the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP).
- PDF::Imposition - Perl module to manage the PDF imposition
- Random::Any - Try to use Data::Entropy::Algorithms::rand(), fallback on builtin rand()
- SNMP - The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module for the Net-SNMP SNMP package.
- SQL::Tree - Generate a trigger-based SQL tree implementation
- Template::Plugin::XML::Feed - Plugin interface to XML::Feed
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::ConspiracyTheory::Random (+5=5)
- App::CSVUtils (+1=2)
- App::ModuleBuildTiny (+1=9)
- AWS::Lambda (+1=5)
- B::Lint (+1=6)
- BioPerl (+1=27)
- Cisco::SNMP (+1=2)
- Class::Accessor (+1=17)
- Curses (+1=7)
- Data::Dump::Color (+1=5)
- Devel::Cover (+1=98)
- Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls (+1=17)
- Email::Stuffer (+1=28)
- Firefox::Marionette (+1=11)
- Graphics::Framebuffer (+1=6)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=100)
- Jifty (+1=2)
- Keyword::Simple (+1=14)
- libwww::perl (+1=152)
- List::MoreUtils (+2=110)
- Locale::Maketext (+1=6)
- Log::ger (+2=5)
- Mail::SpamAssassin (+1=7)
- Math::Prime::Util (+1=19)
- Mojolicious (+1=444)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Model (+1=11)
- Mozilla::CA (+1=17)
- Net::SNMP (+1=9)
- Net::SNMPTrapd (+1=2)
- OpenAPI::Client (+1=13)
- PAR (+1=18)
- Path::Tiny (+1=159)
- perl (+1=369)
- Perl::Critic (+1=112)
- Perl::Lint (+1=15)
- Perl::Version (+1=8)
- Plack (+1=221)
- RBAC::Tiny (+1=4)
- re::engine::RE2 (+1=10)
- Rex (+1=75)
- RxPerl (+1=6)
- Scientist (+1=4)
- Sereal::Decoder (+1=20)
- SNMP::Info (+1=5)
- Sub::Retry (+1=10)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try (+1=32)
- Sys::SigAction (+1=10)
- Template::Tiny (+1=7)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=130)
- Test::BDD::Cucumber (+1=15)
- Test::Class (+1=21)
- Test::Class::Most (+1=4)
- Test::File (+1=11)
- Test::LWP::UserAgent (+1=13)
- Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium (+1=7)
- Test::Pod (+1=22)
- Test::Pod::Coverage (+1=22)
- Unicode::Stringprep (+1=2)
- XML::MyXML (+1=4)
- YAML (+1=64)
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