2 may 2020

(cdxli) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2020-05-02 12:11:15 GMT

  1. Find and Increment a Number in an XML File - [5/5]
  2. Building multiple backends for Raku fails - [5/1]
  3. Accessing IPv6 resolvable URL with port (e.g. localhost:12345) results in Bad Address in Strawberry Perl 5.30.1 - [4/1]
  4. Formatting GD::Graph x-axis in Perl - [4/1]
  5. Perl::Critic in Brutal Mode - [3/2]
  6. perl optionally load module only if available - [3/1]
  7. Perl: Adding an exception to a foreach loop - [2/3]
  8. Perl: unable to extract sibling value using Twig::XPath syntax - [2/2]
  9. How does word counting by list assignment work in Perl? - [2/2]
  10. Is there a way to list files recursively using Net::SFTP::Foreign? - [2/1]

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