Week's winner (+3): local::lib
Build date: 2020/03/07 12:38:05 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::HaltingProblem - A program to decide whether a given program halts
- Bencode - BitTorrent serialisation format
- Config::IPFilter - IPFilter.dat parser
- Data::Object::Try - Try Class for Perl 5
- DB2::Admin - Interface to DB2 Administrative API (non-SQL functions)
- JSON::Slurper - Convenient file slurping and spurting of data using JSON
- Log::Dispatch::Configurator::Any - Configurator implementation with Config::Any
- Mojo::DB::Connector - Create and cache DB connections using common connection info
- Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::Inotify - Sample Morbo Inotify watcher
- Net::Azure::CognitiveServices::Face - A wrapper class for Face API of Azure Cognitive Services
- Net::BitTorrent::Protocol - Basic, Protocol-level BitTorrent Utilities
- Net::DNS::ToolKit - tools for working with DNS packets
- Net::NTP - Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses
- Protocol::BitTorrent - abstract implementation of the bittorrent p2p protocol
- StreamFinder - Fetch actual raw streamable URLs from various radio-station and video websites.
- Sys::HostIP - Try extra hard to get IP address related info
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Tools (+1=6)
- App::Netdisco (+1=13)
- Asterisk::AMI (+1=5)
- autodie (+1=56)
- BackPAN::Index (+1=4)
- Catmandu (+1=21)
- Control::CLI (+1=2)
- cpan::outdated (+1=31)
- CPAN::Uploader (+1=18)
- Crypt::Rijndael (+1=7)
- Data::Dumper (+1=88)
- Data::Printer (+1=127)
- Date::Manip (+1=15)
- DBD::mysql (+1=49)
- DBD::ODBC (+1=13)
- DBI (+1=242)
- DBIx::Class::MaterializedPath (+1=5)
- DBIx::Class::Tree (+1=4)
- DBIx::Connector (+1=42)
- Devel::PDB (+1=3)
- Devel::PPPort (+1=9)
- Devel::PrettyTrace (+1=4)
- Devel::SimpleTrace (+1=7)
- Devel::Trace (+1=18)
- Devel::Trepan (+1=20)
- Digest::HMAC (+1=9)
- Encode (+1=53)
- Exporter (+1=21)
- Exporter::Tiny (+1=21)
- Farly (+1=5)
- File::Copy::Recursive (+1=15)
- Filter::Crypto (+1=7)
- GeoIP2 (+2=15)
- Hash::Match (+1=2)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=98)
- HTTP::XSHeaders (+1=3)
- local::lib (+3=79)
- Locales (+1=3)
- Log::Dispatch (+1=41)
- MailTools (+1=6)
- MIME::Base64 (+1=22)
- Module::Runtime (+1=29)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Prometheus (+1=5)
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts (+1=14)
- MooseX::Storage (+1=20)
- Mozilla::CA (+1=16)
- MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer (+1=2)
- namespace::autoclean (+1=26)
- Net::Curl (+1=14)
- Net::DNS::Native (+1=6)
- Net::GitHub (+1=25)
- Net::SSLeay (+1=18)
- Net::Syslogd (+1=5)
- NetPacket (+1=3)
- Parse::Syslog::Line (+1=4)
- Path::Tiny (+1=147)
- Paws (+1=42)
- PDL (+2=36)
- PDL::Stats (+1=14)
- perl::5.30.2 (+1=0)
- perl::ldap (+1=15)
- Physics::Unit (+1=4)
- pmtools (+1=18)
- PPI (+1=46)
- PPR (+1=15)
- Proch::N50 (+1=3)
- Protocol::WebSocket (+1=8)
- Readonly (+1=17)
- ReadonlyX (+1=2)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=50)
- Rex (+1=69)
- Search::Elasticsearch (+1=37)
- Set::IntervalTree (+1=2)
- Shell::Cmd (+1=3)
- SOAP::Lite (+1=19)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (+1=36)
- Spreadsheet::Read (+1=25)
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (+1=28)
- Spreadsheet::XLSX (+1=17)
- SQL::Maker (+1=12)
- SQL::Translator (+1=37)
- String::Print (+1=4)
- Sys::Syslog (+1=6)
- System::Command (+1=15)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=126)
- Term::CLI (+1=5)
- Test2::Harness::Renderer::JUnit (+1=2)
- Test::Class (+1=20)
- Test::DependentModules (+1=5)
- Test::utf8 (+1=7)
- Text::CSV (+1=68)
- Text::CSV_XS (+1=86)
- Text::ParseWords (+1=11)
- TimeDate (+1=23)
- Tree::Simple (+1=7)
- Web::Simple (+1=25)
- XML::Hash::XS (+1=11)
- YAML::Dump (+1=2)
- YAML::LibYAML (+1=43)
- YAML::PP (+1=6)
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