30 nov 2019

(cdxxi) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-11-30 17:28:08 GMT

  1. Why do some users quote classnames in Perl? - [9/2]
  2. Is there any implementation of database by perl - [5/2]
  3. Count the number of connected non-zeros along rows and columns but not diagonaly in a Matrix in shell script - [5/1]
  4. Sort multidimensional hash by values and print the highest - [4/3]
  5. perl how can I append STDOUT of list form system call of perl script to a file - [2/2]
  6. how do I install perl modules on macos? - [2/2]
  7. Perl data in new line cannot be extracted - [2/2]
  8. Perl match with regex a number and as many following characters as the number specifies within a string - [2/2]
  9. matching german umlaut with regexp correctly twice - [2/2]
  10. Perl: `die` did not work upon opening a nonexistent gz file using gzip - [2/2]

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