Week's winner: FASTX::Reader (+3)
Build date: 2019/05/11 21:02:07 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::CPANAuthors::Malaysian - We are Malaysian CPAN authors (Kami para penulis CPAN Malaysia).
- Bio::DB::NCBIHelper - A collection of routines useful for queries to NCBI databases.
- Class::Accessor::Chained - make chained accessors
- Data::Dumper::Compact - Vertically compact width-limited data formatter
- File::Copy::Verify - data-safe copy
- IPC::QWorker - processing a queue in parallel
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SslAuth - SSL client certificate auth helper
- MooseX::Privacy - Provides the syntax to restrict/control visibility of your methods
- Net::Clacks - Fast client/server interprocess messaging and memcached replacement
- PDLA::Stats - a collection of statistics modules in Perl Data Language, with a quick-start guide for non-PDLA people.
- Proch::N50 - Lightweight module to calculate N50 statistics from a FASTA or FASTQ file
- WordPress::XMLRPC - api to wordpress xml rpc calls
Increasing its reputation:
- A1z::HTML5::Template (+1=2)
- AnyEvent (+1=139)
- App::cpanminus (+1=244)
- App::cpm (+1=37)
- App::Netdisco (+1=12)
- App::Sqitch (+1=37)
- Array::Diff (+1=3)
- Carton (+1=98)
- Chart::GGPlot (+1=5)
- Dancer (+1=146)
- Dancer2 (+1=107)
- Data::Page (+1=15)
- DBIx::Class (+1=267)
- DBIx::Lite (+1=24)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=155)
- Email::Stuffer (+1=25)
- Exception::Class::DBI (+1=3)
- FASTX::Reader (+3=3)
- Forks::Super (+1=9)
- Graph (+1=16)
- GraphViz (+1=12)
- GraphViz2 (+1=10)
- HiPi (+1=7)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=96)
- Inline::Lua (+1=4)
- Ithumb::XS (+1=2)
- JIRA::REST (+1=10)
- List::UtilsBy (+1=33)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=76)
- MCE (+1=70)
- Mojo::Collection::Role::UtilsBy (+1=3)
- Mojolicious (+1=395)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth (+1=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Model (+1=10)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Status (+1=8)
- Moo (+1=262)
- PDL::Stats (+1=11)
- Perl::Critic (+1=98)
- Perl::LanguageServer (+1=11)
- perlsecret (+1=40)
- Plack::App::PHPCGI (+1=3)
- RPi::WiringPi (+1=7)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=141)
- SNMP::Info (+1=4)
- SPVM (+1=14)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=63)
- SQL::Abstract::Plugin::InsertMulti (+1=5)
- Statistics::ANOVA (+1=2)
- Sub::Exporter (+1=33)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try (+1=25)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=122)
- Term::TablePrint (+1=7)
- Test::Time (+1=4)
- Tie::File (+1=12)
- Verilog::Perl (+1=5)
- Yancy (+2=21)
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