24 feb 2019

(ccxxv) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 AI::MXNet 1.4 28 Perl interface to MXNet machine learning library
2 App::FatPacker 0.010008 41 pack your dependencies onto your script file
3 Daemon::Control 0.001010 40 Create init scripts in Perl
4 IO::Socket::SSL 2.062 35 Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET.
5 JSON 4.02 82 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
6 JSON::PP 4.02 14 JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
7 JSON::XS 4.01 104 JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
8 Module::CoreList 5.20190220 31 what modules shipped with versions of perl
9 SPVM 0.0416 13 Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast calcuration & Easy C/C++ Binding
10 Test::Differences 0.65 18 Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
11 Tickit 0.66 20 Terminal Interface Construction KIT
12 Time::HiRes 1.9760 53 High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers

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