8 sept 2018

(ccclvii) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2018-09-08 20:07:34 GMT

  1. Using IO::Select on STDIN on Windows - [3/1]
  2. Read a file and modify it - [2/4]
  3. PERL script to compare partition usage from today's to yesterday's in different hosts using a CSV file - [1/2]
  4. Does merging 2 or more Perl hash references consume more or less twice the memory? - [1/2]
  5. Can I pass mix type of optional arguments to a subroutine? - [1/2]
  6. Perl - looping through two arrays to find "gaps" - [1/2]
  7. LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn&'t take effect for LibXML.so - [1/2]
  8. Net::Bluetooth does not discover devices - [1/1]
  9. the first IP of the next block with Net::IP - [1/1]
  10. Forking a subroutine that opens a socket pair - [1/1]

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