11 ago 2018

(cccliii) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2018-08-11 16:25:21 GMT

  1. Perl: Parse Excel with Search and Replace - [2/1]
  2. Escape @ in Perl regex - [2/1]
  3. What does '! -e "/etc/httpd"' in Perl in 'if' Condition - [2/1]
  4. check if sub returned undef - [1/3]
  5. Perl regex to extract floating number - [1/3]
  6. Perl - Split a string containing tuples using regex - [1/3]
  7. Parsing yaml in perl --> Code: YAML_LOAD_ERR_BAD_MAP_ELEMENT - [1/2]
  8. Why does perl DBI adds special characters <*> (less than asterisk greater than) to prepared statement (Oracle)? - [1/2]
  9. Perl: Checksum of complex data-structure - [1/2]
  10. Can I capture STDOUT write events from a process in perl? - [1/1]

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