Week's winners (+4): Data::Password::zxcvbn
Build date: 2018/02/17 20:47:56 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Markdown::To::POD - Convert Markdown syntax to POD
- Math::Random::MT - The Mersenne Twister PRNG
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoSecrets - Automatic, Rotating Mojolicious Secrets
- Plack::Middleware::Precompressed - serve pre-gzipped content to compression-enabled clients
- Test::Parallel - launch your test in parallel
- Unix::Groups::FFI - Interface to Unix group syscalls
- Win32::Tracert - Call Win32 tracert tool or parse Win32 tracert output
- WWW::REST - Base class for REST resources
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Bleach (+1=6)
- App::cpm (+1=28)
- Aspect (+1=5)
- BEGIN::Lift (+1=3)
- Carmel (+1=11)
- Carton (+1=88)
- CBOR::XS (+1=9)
- Config::IniFiles (+1=10)
- CryptX (+1=32)
- Data::Password::zxcvbn (+4=4)
- Data::Section (+1=7)
- Dependencies::Searcher (+1=3)
- Exception::Reporter (+1=3)
- Forks::Super (+1=6)
- GeoIP2 (+1=8)
- GraphQL (+1=7)
- IP::Country (+1=2)
- Markdown::Pod (+1=6)
- Module::CoreList (+1=30)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=44)
- Mojo::mysql (+1=23)
- Mojolicious (+2=364)
- Net::DNS (+1=14)
- Net::SSH2 (+1=18)
- Package::Stash (+1=24)
- perl (+3=304)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite (+1=4)
- Pod::Checker (+1=4)
- Pod::Cpandoc (+1=13)
- Pod::Markdown (+1=19)
- PPI (+1=42)
- REST::Client (+1=11)
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX (+1=14)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction (+1=12)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try (+2=16)
- Term::ANSIColor (+1=42)
- Test::RequiresInternet (+1=21)
- Text::Template (+1=15)
- Web::Simple (+1=23)
- Yancy (+2=5)
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