Week's winner: SQL::Functional (+2)
Build date: 2016/10/21 20:31:55 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::Devel::MAT::Explorer::GTK - GTK-based interactive explorer for Devel::MAT
- App::Prun - Provides the prun script as a command line interface to Parallel::ForkManager.
- B::Debug - print debug info about ops
- Bitcoin::RPC::Client - Bitcoin Core API RPCs
- Cassandra::Client - Perl interface to Cassandra's native protocol
- DBIx::Class::Visualizer - Visualize a DBIx::Class schema
- HTML::Mail -
- JSON::Schema::Shorthand - Alternative, condensed format for JSON Schemas
- MooX::Cmd::ChainedOptions - easily access options from higher up the command chain
- MooX::ObjectBuilder - lazy construction of objects from extra init args
- OptArgs2 - command-line argument and option processor
- Path::Resolver - go from "file" names to things
- Syntax::Keyword::Try - a try/catch/finally syntax for perl
- Term::TermKey - perl wrapper around libtermkey
- Term::TermKey::Async - terminal key input using libtermkey with
- Test::Refcount - assert reference counts on objects
- Text::FixedWidth::Parser - FixedWidth text file parser
- Text::Table::TinyWide - Text::Table::Tiny + support for wide character
- USPS::RateRequest - Ultra fast parallelized asyncronous USPS rate lookups.
Increasing its reputation:
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify (+1=6)
- App::cpm (+1=15)
- App::perlbrew (+1=140)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=74)
- Data::Perl (+1=10)
- Data::Section::Simple (+1=9)
- Data::Structure::Util (+1=6)
- DBD::CSV (+1=16)
- DBIx::Connector (+1=32)
- Devel::Confess (+1=26)
- Devel::Hide (+1=9)
- File::Copy::Link (+1=2)
- File::Slurper (+1=28)
- Galileo (+1=21)
- Gearman::Server (+1=6)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=80)
- Import::Into (+1=28)
- IO::All (+1=54)
- libwww::perl (+1=126)
- List::Compare (+1=11)
- local::lib (+1=68)
- Log::Report (+1=3)
- Log::WarnDie (+1=2)
- Memoize (+1=16)
- Method::Signatures (+1=32)
- Moo (+1=214)
- MooX::Types::MooseLike::Email (+1=3)
- Net::DBus (+1=3)
- Ouch (+1=7)
- perl (+1=284)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=16)
- Pod::Cpandoc (+1=12)
- Search::Elasticsearch (+1=23)
- Sentinel (+1=4)
- Shell::Guess (+1=3)
- SQL::Functional (+2=6)
- Statocles (+1=15)
- Sub::Call::Tail (+1=9)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=103)
- Term::Terminfo (+1=2)
- Test::MemoryGrowth (+1=3)
- Test::Simple (+1=138)
- Text::Levenshtein::Flexible (+1=2)
- Time::HiRes::Value (+1=2)
- Ubic (+1=49)
- URI (+1=78)
- URI::Template (+1=7)
- Web::Simple (+1=20)
- WWW::Mechanize (+1=69)
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