4 jun 2016

(ccxv) metacpan weekly report - DateTime

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 86
Week's winners (+4): DateTime 
Build date: 2016/06/04 13:36:54 GMT

Clicked for first time:
  • AnyEvent::FCGI - non-blocking FastCGI server
  • App::ruler - Print horizontal ruler on the terminal
  • Archive::SevenZip - Read/write 7z , zip , ISO9960 and other archives
  • Astro - Astronomical coordinate transformations
  • Crypt::XXTEA_PP - Pure Perl Implementation of Corrected Block Tiny Encryption Algorithm
  • fp - a library for programming in a functional style
  • MBclient - Add modbus TCP or RTU functions for your program.
  • Mojo::Pua - HTTP Client + Evo::Promises
  • Perl::Tokenizer - A tiny Perl code tokenizer
  • textrender - Turn stdin into rendered text graphics.
  • Win32::SerialPort - User interface to Win32 Serial API calls

Increasing its reputation:

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