28 may 2016

(lxxxii) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 App::Nopaste 1.006 23 Easy access to any pastebin
2 App::cpanminus 1.7042 210 get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
3 Capture::Tiny 0.40 65 Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
4 Carton v1.0.28 68 Perl module dependency manager (aka Bundler for Perl)
5 DBIx::Class::Helpers 2.032002 35 Simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class.
6 DateTime 1.28 154 A date and time object for Perl
7 Dist::Zilla 6.005 145 distribution builder; installer not included!
8 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git 2.039 35 update your git repository after release
9 ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.18 33 Create a module Makefile
10 HTTP::BrowserDetect 3.14 21 Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
11 MCE 1.707 43 Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
12 Mojo::Pg 2.27 41 Mojolicious ♥ PostgreSQL
13 Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 1.13 33 Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files
14 Moose 2.1802 250 A postmodern object system for Perl 5
15 Net::DNS 1.06 12 Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
16 Net::SSH2 0.60 16 Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2.
17 Path::Tiny 0.094 105 File path utility
18 Pod::Usage 1.69 26 Pod::Usage extracts POD documentation and shows usage information
19 Regexp::Common 2016052802 34 Provide commonly requested regular expressions
20 Search::Elasticsearch 2.03 22 The official client for Elasticsearch
21 Statocles 0.076 13 A static site generator
22 Swagger2 0.79 19 Swagger RESTful API Documentation
23 WWW::Mechanize::Firefox 0.79 19 use Firefox as if it were WWW::Mechanize
24 cpan::outdated 0.31 25 detect outdated CPAN modules in your environment.

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