Week's winner (+3): File::Slurper
Build date: 2015/08/29 06:44:47 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::MongoDB - MongoDB backend for
- Catalyst::Model::MongoDB - MongoDB model class for Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::MongoDB - MongoDB Session store for Catalyst
- CSS::Scopifier - Prepends CSS selectors to apply scope/context
- Entities - User management and authorization for web applications and subscription-based services.
- Exporter::ConditionalSubs - Conditionally export subroutines
- Geo::IP2Location::Lite - Lightweight version of Geo::IP2Location with IPv4 support only
- JSON::Validator - Validate data against a JSON schema
- JSON::WebToken - JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation
- KiokuDB::Backend::MongoDB - MongoDB backend for KiokuDB
- Mojo::UserAgent::DigestAuth - Allow Mojo::UserAgent to execute digest auth requests
- Net::SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
- Ovirt - Bindings for oVirt REST API
- Perl::Dist - Perl Distribution Creation Toolkit
- Time::ETA - calculate estimated time of accomplishment
- Valence - Perl interface to electron GUI tool-kit
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::Boom (+1=2)
- App::Sqitch (+1=27)
- Archive::Zip (+1=25)
- autovivification (+1=18)
- BigIP::iControl (+1=2)
- BSON (+1=4)
- Carton (+1=63)
- Cookie::Baker::XS (+1=3)
- Crypt::JWT (+1=3)
- Crypt::ScryptKDF (+1=5)
- Crypt::SRP (+1=3)
- CryptX (+1=17)
- Data::Uniqid (+1=2)
- File::Slurper (+3=18)
- Furl (+1=31)
- HTTP::Body::Builder (+1=3)
- Hubot (+1=5)
- Imager (+1=50)
- IPC::System::Simple (+1=19)
- JE (+1=13)
- LaTeX::Encode (+1=2)
- LWP::Protocol::sftp (+1=3)
- Message::Passing::Output::MongoDB (+1=3)
- Module::Build (+1=30)
- Mojo::APNS (+1=2)
- Mojo::JWT (+1=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=30)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DigestAuth (+1=3)
- MongoDB (+1=46)
- MongoDBx::Class (+1=4)
- MongoDBx::Queue (+1=3)
- MooX::ChainedAttributes (+1=2)
- Net::SFTP::Foreign (+1=15)
- Net::SFTP::Foreign::Backend::Net_SSH2 (+1=2)
- Net::SSH2 (+1=15)
- perl (+2=256)
- POE (+1=36)
- Rose::DB (+1=7)
- Set::Object (+1=5)
- snaked (+1=6)
- Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML (+1=4)
- TAP::Harness::Restricted (+1=3)
- Task::Kensho (+1=58)
- Test::WWW::Selenium (+1=10)
- Text::Template (+1=13)
- Time::Out (+1=4)
- Vim::X (+1=7)
- WWW::WebKit (+1=4)
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