26 dic 2014

(clxv) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-12-26 21:41:10 GMT

  1. Perl - Opcode to source code? - [6/1]
  2. How do I use a variable as a regex modifier in perl? - [5/4]
  3. What to do when WxPerl class doesn't have some method? - [4/0]
  4. Running system command under interactive bash shell - [3/2]
  5. Perl String Replacement - [3/1]
  6. Returned variable with no indication in source code - [3/1]
  7. Perl splitting on multiple occurrence of the same pattern - [3/3]
  8. Perl: Getting difference between two arrays of hashes? - [2/2]
  9. Oddity with UTF8 in perl regular expressions - [2/2]
  10. How to disable the scientific notation when working with Perl and Excel - [2/2]

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