This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 129
Week's winner: Mojolicious (+3)
Build date: 2014/08/02 18:42:33 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Algorithm::FloodControl
- Algorithm::LUHN
- Alien::AntTweakBar
- AntTweakBar
- BankAccount::Validator::UK
- Browsermob::Proxy
- Crypt::SMIME
- Dancer::Plugin::Lexicon
- Data::Throttler
- DBIx::Class::Wrapper
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::DescribeVersion
- Gcode::Interpreter
- KelpX::AppBuilder
- Linux::Clone
- Linux::Setns
- Linux::Unshare
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Database
- MojoX::Plugin::PHP
- Pegex::Crontab
- Plack::Middleware::Headers
- Regexp::Tr
- Test::Expect
- Text::Demoroniser
- Text::Unaccent
- Win32::DriveInfo
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::EyeDrops (+1=5)
- Acme::LookOfDisapproval (+1=6)
- Algorithm::Diff (+1=12)
- Alien::ImageMagick (+1=7)
- AnyEvent::HTTP (+1=18)
- App::cpanminus (+1=168)
- App::perlbrew (+1=115)
- App::Sqitch (+1=15)
- autodie (+1=42)
- Business::CPI (+1=3)
- Cache::FastMmap (+1=5)
- Catalyst::Manual (+1=34)
- CLDR::Number (+1=5)
- Clone (+1=13)
- Convos (+1=7)
- CPAN::Meta::Requirements (+1=5)
- Crypt::ScryptKDF (+1=4)
- Data::Printer (+1=68)
- DateTime (+1=125)
- DateTime::Format::Epoch (+1=5)
- DB_File (+1=2)
- DBIx::Class (+1=174)
- Devel::REPL (+1=37)
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::dumpphases (+1=5)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Synopsis (+1=4)
- experimental (+1=16)
- Exporter (+1=10)
- Furl (+1=23)
- Future (+1=19)
- Games::2048 (+1=6)
- GD (+1=14)
- Getopt::Long (+1=54)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=21)
- Git::Wrapper (+1=11)
- Hash::Ordered (+1=4)
- HTTP::Throwable (+1=3)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=53)
- IO (+1=27)
- IO::All (+1=32)
- IO::Async (+1=14)
- IO::Socket::Socks (+1=2)
- IUP (+2=4)
- JSON (+1=55)
- List::UtilsBy (+1=9)
- MIME::Types (+1=2)
- Mite (+2=2)
- mod_perl (+1=9)
- Module::Runtime (+1=17)
- Mojolicious (+3=210)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=16)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Notifications (+1=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::REST (+1=2)
- Moo (+1=146)
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts (+1=10)
- Net::DNS (+1=11)
- Net::Graphite (+1=2)
- Net::SCP::Expect (+1=2)
- Net::SSLeay (+1=9)
- Net::Stripe (+1=5)
- OptArgs (+1=4)
- Padre (+1=32)
- PAR::Packer (+1=15)
- Parallel::Prefork (+1=8)
- Parser::MGC (+1=4)
- Path::Tiny (+1=54)
- PDF::WebKit (+1=4)
- PDL (+2=18)
- perl (+2=213)
- perl5i (+1=20)
- Perl::Critic (+1=61)
- Perl::Dist::Strawberry (+1=4)
- POE (+1=29)
- pQuery (+1=10)
- Proclet (+1=13)
- Reply (+1=30)
- Rose::DB::Object (+1=13)
- Schedule::AdaptiveThrottler (+1=2)
- Selenium::Remote::Driver (+1=22)
- Sort::ByExample (+1=5)
- Spiffy (+1=2)
- Spreadsheet::Read (+1=10)
- Term::ANSIColor (+1=26)
- Test::Differences (+1=11)
- Test::FailWarnings (+1=5)
- Test::LWP::UserAgent (+1=7)
- Test::Most (+1=23)
- Test::Simple (+2=98)
- Test::Spec (+1=9)
- Text::Unaccent::PurePerl (+1=2)
- Type::Tiny (+1=50)
- Types::Path::Tiny (+1=10)
- Vi::QuickFix (+1=3)
- WebAPI::DBIC (+1=5)
- Win32::GuiTest (+1=5)
- ZMQx::Class (+1=4)
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