30 ago 2014

(cxxiii) metacpan weekly report - Type::Tiny

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 161

Week's winner: Type::Tiny (+5)

Build date: 2014/08/30 10:51:17 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

(cxlviii) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-08-30 10:44:49 GMT

  1. Why does Perl create an empty array reference via grep? - [6/1]
  2. The correct way to play with data references in Perl - [4/3]
  3. Check if subroutine exists in Perl - [4/4]
  4. DBIx::Class update Inflate column with function - [4/0]
  5. Variable length look-behind - [4/3]
  6. Sending messages between processes in Perl - [4/1]
  7. Mojolicious Tests: How to get the input value using css-selectors - [3/2]
  8. Unblessing perl objects and constructing the TO_JSON method for convert_blessed - [3/2]
  9. Perl calling methods with and without parentheses - [3/4]
  10. Same code, different results on different machines regarding UTF8 characters - [3/1]

22 ago 2014

(cxlvii) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-08-22 14:39:49 GMT

  1. unexpected result of string concatenation - [6/2]
  2. Are there Hash Arrays in Delphi? - [6/1]
  3. Perl subtitute not working after previous pattern match - [5/1]
  4. Perl: "Variable will not stay shared" - [5/3]
  5. dc (desk calculator) - hashes type - [4/1]
  6. find a single quote at the end of a line starting with "mySqlQueryToArray" - [3/4]
  7. Perl: Decode Timestamp in a Binary File - [3/2]
  8. dictionary of lists of dictionaries in python - [3/2]
  9. Perl what does Taint means in general - [3/2]
  10. How to randomly find and replace only one occurance of a match in a file in BASH? - [2/3]

(cxxii) metacpan weekly report - Type::Tiny

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 124

Week's winner (+5): Type::Tiny

Build date: 2014/08/22 14:32:57 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

16 ago 2014

(cxxi) metacpan weekly report - Time::Moment

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 135

Week's winner: Time::Moment (+4)

Build date: 2014/08/16 07:51:23 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

(cxlvi) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-08-16 07:48:31 GMT

  1. When is it better to use an array instead of a hash in Perl? - [7/4]
  2. What it this Perl syntax construct? - [5/5]
  3. perl list subset range - [4/1]
  4. Removing bullet points from a txt file using perl - [4/2]
  5. Using string variables containing literal escapes in a Perl substitution - [4/3]
  6. Regex to match several strings but not specific ones - [4/2]
  7. How to split the data with splitting value? - [4/4]
  8. Only one active thread after forking by Parallel::ForkManager. Why? - [3/1]
  9. Run and monitor process and capture all its output with Perl (on Windows)? - [3/1]
  10. Comparison of a set of strings and a file using Perl - [3/4]

9 ago 2014

(cxlv) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-08-09 07:51:31 GMT

  1. How can I inject multiple lines with Devel::Declare? - [7/0]
  2. Wide character error using utf8 pragma with HTML::Laundry - [5/1]
  3. Unexpected Data::Dumper::Dumper result - [5/2]
  4. What is the Perl context with range operator? - [5/2]
  5. How do I assure that a module is loaded only if the script is running on Windows? - [4/1]
  6. Joining arrays using references when defining a new data structure - [3/1]
  7. Missing zero in hash of array - [3/2]
  8. Perl Hashes of Arrays and Some issues - [3/2]
  9. Turn an array into a string - [3/1]
  10. Braintree Perl SDK- How to access $credit_card_verification result object in Customer->create API call - [3/1]

(cxx) metacpan weekly report - Time::Moment

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 144
Week's winner: Time::Moment (+11)
Build date: 2014/08/09 07:45:41 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

7 ago 2014

CPAN Day idea - 1.0.0 (16th August)

I have read many suggestions to celebrate the inauguration of CPAN. I'd like to propose a simple one.

There are a lot of CPAN modules with revision numbers under the 0 major number (0.x.y), e.g. 0.9.1, 0.1.8, ... and many of them are really mature, reliable and well tested.

Why not release on 16th August the 1.0.0 revision of your great CPAN distribution? I think it's a very easy thing to do. Think about it.

Note: this idea comes suddenly today, when I saw the YAML 1.00 revision upload today on CPAN.

2 ago 2014

(cxix) metacpan weekly report - Mojolicious

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 129

Week's winner: Mojolicious (+3)

Build date: 2014/08/02 18:42:33 GMT

Clicked for first time:

Increasing its reputation:

(cxliv) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-08-02 18:35:30 GMT

  1. How to detect exported subs overwrites? - [5/1]
  2. Perl Regex to Convert {a, b, c, ..., x} into (a|b|c|...|x) - [5/1]
  3. Removing `^` from `s/^/1/;` causes my code to fail. Why? - [5/3]
  4. Prefetch related row or nothing with DBIx::Class, maybe with OUTER LEFT JOIN? - [4/1]
  5. Comparison of unicode string fails in Test::Deep::cmp_deeply when I use JSON::decode_json - [4/1]
  6. What purpose of turn on warnings then turn off? - [3/2]
  7. Perl: Can I use capture groups in variables used in text replace regular expressions? - [3/2]
  8. Is mod_perl dead? - [3/1]
  9. issue accessing lexical scope using B - [3/0]
  10. An elegant way of returning the index of the last non-zero element in Perl? - [3/6]