This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 106
Week's winner (+3): Sort::Naturally
Build date: 2014/04/17 20:48:48 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Authen::OATH::OCRA
- Browsermob::Proxy
- Crypt::Random
- Data::Consumer
- Data::Deep
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckBin
- EBook::Generator
- EBook::Tools
- everywhere
- Hijk
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Args
- Mojolicious::Plugin::CacheMoney
- Mojolicious::Plugin::CORS
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DumpyLog
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Nour::Config
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Nour::Database
- Mojolicious::Plugin::PDFRenderer
- Mojolicious::Plugin::UTF8
- Package::Alias
- SDLx::Betweener
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::MultiMech
- Time::Out
Increasing its reputation:
- App::Cronjob (+1=3)
- App::Dapper (+1=2)
- Array::Split (+1=2)
- Authen::SASL (+1=3)
- CatalystX::Resource (+1=3)
- Compiler::Lexer (+1=9)
- Compiler::Parser (+1=4)
- Config::Tiny (+1=14)
- Cpanel::JSON::XS (+1=4)
- Crypt::Eksblowfish (+1=11)
- CryptX (+1=9)
- Data::Format::Pretty (+1=5)
- DateTime (+1=116)
- DateTime::Format::Builder (+1=2)
- DateTime::Format::Flexible (+1=5)
- DBD::CSV (+1=10)
- DBIx::Class (+1=158)
- DBIx::Class::EasyFixture (+1=7)
- DBM::Deep (+1=6)
- Devel::CheckOS (+1=7)
- Devel::Cover (+1=50)
- Devel::SizeMe (+1=8)
- DigitalOcean (+1=2)
- Dist::Milla (+1=9)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=113)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome (+1=3)
- File::Listing (+1=2)
- File::Path (+1=24)
- Filesys::Notify::Simple (+1=8)
- Games::2048 (+2=5)
- Getopt::Long (+1=46)
- HTTP::Message (+1=37)
- HTTP::Server::Encrypt (+1=2)
- Image::Quantize (+1=2)
- Image::Size (+1=8)
- Internals (+1=2)
- JSON::MaybeXS (+1=7)
- lib::xi (+1=5)
- List::AllUtils (+1=21)
- List::Pairwise (+1=3)
- List::UtilsBy::XS (+1=3)
- local::lib (+2=46)
- Log::Lite (+1=2)
- MarpaX::Languages::C::AST (+1=2)
- match::simple (+1=5)
- Mediainfo (+1=2)
- Method::Signatures::Simple (+1=7)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=26)
- Mojolicious (+2=191)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Crypto (+2=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Toto (+1=2)
- Moose (+1=183)
- MooseX::StrictConstructor (+1=13)
- Mouse (+1=30)
- Parallel::Prefork (+1=6)
- Path::Class (+1=64)
- Path::Iterator::Rule (+1=14)
- perl (+2=175)
- Perl::PrereqScanner (+1=17)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite (+1=5)
- Plack::Middleware::DebugLogging (+1=2)
- re::engine::RE2 (+1=6)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=28)
- Rex (+1=22)
- Role::Inspector (+1=2)
- Sort::Naturally (+3=8)
- SQL::Statement (+1=5)
- Statistics::Descriptive (+1=4)
- Term::ProgressBar (+1=7)
- Text::CSV_XS (+1=40)
- Text::FileTree (+1=2)
- Text::SimpleTable (+1=3)
- Type::Tie (+1=5)
- VM::JiffyBox (+1=2)
- WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS (+1=4)
- XML::Fast (+1=3)
- XS::TCC (+1=5)
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