This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 147
Week's winners (+3): DBIx::Class, Pinto
Build date: 2013/10/02 19:52:23 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Pi::Abrahamic
- Algorithm::Diff::XS
- Amazon::S3Curl::PurePerl
- App::scrape
- bignum
- Dancer2::Template::Xslate
- Dancer::Debug
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::SkipInstall
- File::RotateLogs
- IO::Socket::Timeout
- Lingua::Translate::Yandex
- Mail::Sender::Easy
- MojoX::Run
- MozRepl::RemoteObject
- Net::SCP::Expect
- PDL::EditDistance
- PDL::Ngrams
- PDL::VectorValued
- Plack::Middleware::InteractiveDebugger
- Proc::NiceSleep
- Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::XS
- Text::Markdown::Hoedown
- URL::Encode::XS
- Win32::LongPath
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=68)
- Algorithm::Diff (+1=8)
- AnyEvent::Digest (+1=3)
- App::cpackage (+1=4)
- App::cpanminus (+1=137)
- App::FatPacker (+1=15)
- App::mymeta_requires (+1=3)
- App::perlbrew (+2=104)
- App::rainbarf (+1=2)
- Carp::Reply (+1=7)
- Carton (+1=19)
- Class::Data::Inheritable (+1=2)
- Class::Tiny (+1=6)
- Compiler::Lexer (+1=5)
- Dancer2 (+1=15)
- Data::Printer (+1=52)
- DateTime::Locale (+1=3)
- DBI (+2=123)
- DBIx::Class (+3=137)
- DBIx::Connector (+1=16)
- Devel::Callsite (+2=3)
- Devel::Cover (+1=42)
- Digest::HMAC (+1=3)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckPrereqsIndexed (+1=3)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide (+1=2)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl (+1=5)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::FromCPANfile (+1=2)
- Exporter::Tiny (+1=2)
- failures (+1=2)
- File::chdir (+1=11)
- File::Open (+1=2)
- File::Slurp (+2=43)
- File::Stamped (+1=2)
- File::Temp (+1=32)
- Geest (+2=4)
- Getopt::Long (+1=35)
- Gideon (+1=2)
- Git::Hooks (+1=2)
- Hook::AfterRuntime (+1=2)
- HTML::Tree (+1=12)
- HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath (+1=12)
- IPC::System::Simple (+1=11)
- JSON::RPC (+1=2)
- JSON::XS (+1=65)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=65)
- local::lib (+1=37)
- Log::Minimal (+2=6)
- Mango (+1=17)
- Minilla (+2=9)
- Mojolicious (+2=159)
- MongoDB (+1=18)
- Moose (+2=164)
- MooseX::HasDefaults (+1=5)
- MooseX::Method::Signatures (+1=12)
- MooseX::NestedAttributesConstructor (+1=4)
- MooseX::Traits (+1=15)
- MooX::LvalueAttribute (+1=5)
- MooX::Types::MooseLike (+1=13)
- Mouse (+1=27)
- namespace::autoclean (+1=10)
- Net::HTTP::Spore (+1=7)
- Net::IMAP::Client (+1=4)
- Net::IP (+1=2)
- Net::Ping (+1=3)
- Object::Simple (+1=2)
- OrePAN2 (+1=2)
- OX (+1=15)
- Path::Router (+1=5)
- PathTools (+1=32)
- PDL::GA (+1=2)
- PDL::HMM (+1=2)
- perl (+1=143)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=53)
- perlsecret (+2=14)
- Pinto (+3=28)
- Plack (+1=122)
- Plack::Middleware::ServerStatus::Lite (+1=4)
- Redis (+1=16)
- Scalar::Does (+1=7)
- Scope::Guard (+1=4)
- snaked (+1=5)
- Starlet (+1=4)
- Sub::Exporter (+1=24)
- Sys::Virt (+1=3)
- Template::Iterator::XS (+1=2)
- Template::Toolkit (+2=65)
- Test::BDD::Cucumber (+1=3)
- Test::MockModule (+1=6)
- Test::MockObject (+1=14)
- Test::Simple (+2=83)
- Test::Tester (+2=5)
- Text::Table (+1=5)
- Thread::Queue (+1=5)
- threads (+1=4)
- threads::shared (+1=3)
- Tickit (+1=5)
- Try::Tiny (+1=87)
- Type::Tiny (+2=34)
- Types::Path::Tiny (+1=6)
- Unix::Statgrab (+1=3)
- Web::Request (+1=4)
- WWW::Mechanize::Firefox (+1=12)
- XML::TreeBuilder (+1=2)
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