This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 131
Week's winners (+3): Email::Stuffer, Mojolicious, Smart::Comments, Type::Tiny
Build date: 2013/07/03 20:11:41 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- ACME::Mantovani
- Algorithm::CurveFit
- App::MetaCPAN::Gtk2::Notify
- Authen::ModAuthPubTkt
- Catmandu
- Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA
- Data::Localize
- DBIx::Sunny
- Flux
- git::deploy
- GraphViz2
- HTML::CruftText
- Jenkins::API
- Math::VectorReal
- MIME::Lite::HTML
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RESTRoutes
- Month::Simple
- MooseX::Types::Parameterizable
- Net::OpenSSH::Parallel
- SMS::Send::Nexmo
- Sub::Exporter::Progressive
- Test::TableDriven
- Thrift::API::HiveClient2
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::LookOfDisapproval (+1=2)
- Algorithm::Combinatorics (+1=5)
- AnyEvent (+1=47)
- AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream (+1=3)
- App::CPAN::Fresh (+1=2)
- App::cpanminus (+1=109)
- App::local::lib::helper (+1=3)
- App::MtAws (+1=2)
- App::Sqitch (+1=2)
- autodie (+1=30)
- BackPAN::Index (+1=2)
- Business::PayPal (+1=3)
- Carp (+1=18)
- Carp::POE (+1=2)
- carton (+1=27)
- Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL (+1=3)
- Const::Fast (+1=8)
- Coro (+1=19)
- cpan::listchanges (+1=9)
- Data::Dumper (+1=23)
- Data::Dumper::Concise (+1=10)
- Data::UUID (+1=8)
- DateTime (+1=85)
- DBIx::Class (+1=117)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (+1=16)
- DBIx::Class::MaterializedPath (+1=2)
- DBM::Deep (+1=4)
- Devel::Declare (+1=7)
- Dist::Milla (+1=4)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=78)
- Email::Sender (+1=15)
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS (+1=3)
- Email::Stuffer (+3=7)
- experimental (+1=7)
- FBP::Perl (+1=4)
- File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir (+1=2)
- forks (+1=5)
- Furl (+1=15)
- Geo::GoogleEarth::Pluggable (+1=2)
- Google::Search (+1=2)
- Hash::Merge (+2=7)
- HTTP::Range (+1=2)
- Imager (+1=29)
- JSON (+2=38)
- Kelp (+1=10)
- libwww::perl (+1=56)
- List::MoreUtils (+2=59)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=17)
- Marpa::R2 (+1=13)
- Math::MatrixReal (+1=3)
- Method::Signatures (+1=18)
- MIME::Lite (+1=14)
- Module::CoreList (+1=13)
- Mojolicious (+3=134)
- Monoceros (+1=2)
- Moo (+1=86)
- Moose (+1=139)
- MooseX::Types::Path::Class (+1=7)
- MooX::HandlesVia (+1=3)
- MooX::StrictConstructor (+1=2)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=11)
- Parallel::Forker (+1=2)
- PDF::API2 (+1=8)
- PDL (+1=12)
- Perl6::Slurp (+1=2)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=7)
- Pinto (+1=19)
- Plack::App::MCCS (+1=2)
- Plack::Middleware::DebugRequestParams (+1=2)
- POE (+1=19)
- Pony::Object (+1=2)
- Proclet (+1=7)
- returning (+1=2)
- Rex (+1=14)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=52)
- Smart::Comments (+3=17)
- Software::License (+1=8)
- Sort::Key (+1=5)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=21)
- SQL::Maker (+1=6)
- Term::Menus (+1=2)
- Test::Class::Moose (+1=3)
- Test::Deep::Type (+1=2)
- Test::Deep::UnorderedPairs (+1=2)
- Test::Exception (+1=16)
- Test::Harness (+1=20)
- Test::JavaScript (+1=2)
- Test::MockTime (+1=2)
- Test::Number::Delta (+1=2)
- Thread::Queue (+1=3)
- Try::Tiny (+1=71)
- Type::Tiny (+3=20)
- UUID::Tiny (+1=4)
- WebService::HabitRPG (+1=2)
- XML::LibXML (+1=40)
- XML::LibXSLT (+1=2)
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