This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 236
Week's winner: Mojolicious (+4)
Build date: 2013/06/26 20:47:57 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::LookOfDisapproval
- App::Cronjob
- App::MiseEnPlace
- App::pfswatch
- App::pmdeps
- App::Prove::RunScripts
- App::Sqitch
- Catalyst::Plugin::EnvironmentDetector
- DBICx::Deploy
- DBIx::Config
- Devel::WarnGlobal
- ELF::Extract::Sections
- Event::RPC
- Gtk2::TrayIcon
- HTML::Template::Pro
- Inline::Files
- Inline::Ruby
- MooseX::RemoteHelper
- Net::Async::Webservice::S3
- Net::Google
- Net::Google::Calendar
- Net::IP::Minimal
- Pg::Explain
- Plack::Middleware::DebugRequestParams
- POE::Component::Client::HTTP
- POE::Component::IKC
- POE::Filter::IRCD
- POE::Filter::Zlib
- POEx::HTTP::Server
- Rose::DBx::Role::NestTransaction
- SQL::Abstract::Complete
- SQL::Abstract::Query
- SQL::Smart
- Term::Menus
- Test::Deep::Type
- Test::Deep::UnorderedPairs
- Test::Gearman
- Test::JavaScript
- Unexpected
- WebService::Google::Closure
- WebService::Linode
- WebService::Yahoo::BOSS
- WWW::Google::Docs::Upload
Increasing its reputation:
- aliased (+1=16)
- AnyEvent (+1=46)
- App::cpanminus (+2=108)
- App::gist (+1=4)
- App::Nopaste (+1=18)
- App::perlbrew (+1=88)
- App::pmuninstall (+1=22)
- autodie (+1=29)
- Business::PayPal (+1=2)
- Bytes::Random::Secure (+1=3)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=31)
- Carp::Reply (+1=4)
- Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL (+1=2)
- Catalyst::Devel (+1=13)
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::WithCurrentUser (+1=4)
- CatalystX::SimpleLogin (+1=6)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=10)
- Class::Accessor (+1=6)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=14)
- Class::XSAccessor (+1=9)
- Config::PL (+1=3)
- Config::ZOMG (+1=2)
- CPAN (+1=16)
- cpan::listchanges (+1=8)
- CPAN::Reporter::Smoker (+1=3)
- CPAN::Uploader (+1=9)
- CSS::Sass (+1=3)
- curry (+2=9)
- Dancer (+2=93)
- Data::ICal (+1=4)
- Data::MessagePack (+1=3)
- Data::Perl (+1=6)
- DateTime::Tiny (+1=2)
- DBD::Sybase (+1=2)
- DBI (+1=102)
- DBIx::Class (+2=116)
- DBIx::Class::AuditLog (+1=8)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (+1=15)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+1=9)
- DBIx::DataModel (+1=7)
- DBIx::Simple (+1=11)
- Devel::REPL (+1=29)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=77)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangesHasContent (+1=4)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (+1=24)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Meta::Contributors (+1=2)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver (+1=7)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Signature (+1=5)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs (+1=6)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Version (+1=4)
- Email::Address (+1=6)
- Email::Sender (+1=14)
- Email::Stuffer (+3=4)
- Emailesque (+2=3)
- Event (+1=2)
- FCGI (+1=4)
- File::chdir (+1=9)
- File::HomeDir (+1=16)
- File::Path (+1=14)
- File::Temp (+1=25)
- File::Zglob (+1=2)
- forkprove (+1=12)
- Furl (+1=14)
- Future (+1=7)
- Galileo (+1=9)
- Gearman::SlotManager (+1=2)
- Getopt::Lucid (+1=4)
- HTML::FormHandler (+1=17)
- HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath (+1=9)
- IO::Prompt::Tiny (+1=3)
- JSON::XS (+1=51)
- lib::xi (+1=4)
- List::UtilsBy::XS (+1=2)
- Lucy (+1=5)
- Marpa::R2 (+2=12)
- Math::Random::Secure (+1=2)
- Module::Load::Conditional (+1=4)
- Module::Runtime (+1=10)
- Module::Starter (+1=6)
- Mojolicious (+4=133)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication (+1=5)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization (+1=3)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail (+1=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth (+1=2)
- Moo (+2=85)
- Moose (+1=138)
- MooseX::Method::Signatures (+1=9)
- MooseX::NonMoose (+1=7)
- MooseX::StrictConstructor (+1=10)
- MooX::Cmd (+1=3)
- MooX::HandlesVia (+1=2)
- MooX::Options (+1=6)
- MooX::Types::MooseLike (+1=11)
- namespace::clean (+1=9)
- Net::Google::Analytics (+1=2)
- Net::Twitter (+2=19)
- Net::Twitter::Lite (+1=6)
- Object::Remote (+1=6)
- Object::Tiny (+1=8)
- Org::Parser (+1=2)
- OX (+1=12)
- Parallel::Forker (+1=2)
- Params::Util (+1=9)
- Path::Tiny (+1=23)
- perl (+1=121)
- Perl6::Junction (+1=12)
- Perl::Build (+1=3)
- Pinto (+2=19)
- Plack (+1=104)
- Plack::App::PHPCGI (+1=3)
- Plack::Middleware::XSRFBlock (+2=2)
- Pod::Weaver::Plugin::EnsureUniqueSections (+1=2)
- Pod::Weaver::Section::Availability (+1=2)
- Pod::Weaver::Section::BugsAndLimitations (+1=2)
- POE::Component::IRC (+1=9)
- Proc::ProcessTable (+1=7)
- Proclet (+1=6)
- Reply (+3=16)
- Resque (+1=3)
- Rex (+2=13)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=51)
- SemVer (+1=2)
- Sort::Naturally (+1=2)
- SQL::Abstract (+2=21)
- Starlet (+1=3)
- Starman (+1=50)
- Storable (+1=11)
- strictures (+1=7)
- Sub::Exporter (+1=21)
- Sub::Install (+1=8)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction (+1=6)
- Task::Catalyst (+1=5)
- Task::CPAN::Reporter (+1=4)
- Task::Kensho (+1=21)
- Template::Tiny (+1=3)
- Teng (+1=9)
- Term::ANSIColor (+1=16)
- Term::UI (+1=3)
- Test::Deep (+1=14)
- Test::DistManifest (+1=2)
- Test::Exception (+1=15)
- Test::Harness (+1=19)
- Test::Method (+1=2)
- Test::Mock::Guard (+1=3)
- Test::Most (+1=13)
- Test::mysqld (+1=3)
- Test::SharedFork (+1=4)
- Test::Simple (+2=67)
- Test::Synopsis (+1=2)
- Test::Whitespaces (+1=2)
- Text::CSV::Slurp (+1=3)
- Text::Markup (+1=6)
- Text::Template (+1=7)
- Text::Xslate (+1=24)
- Throwable (+1=10)
- Type::Tiny (+3=17)
- Types::Path::Tiny (+3=3)
- URI (+2=46)
- UUID::Tiny (+1=3)
- Validation::Class (+1=11)
- VM::JiffyBox::0.006 (+1=0)
- WebService::Dropbox (+1=2)
- WebService::Embedly (+1=3)
- WebService::Mandrill (+1=2)
- WebService::Rackspace::CloudFiles (+1=2)
- YAML (+1=25)
- YAML::LibYAML (+1=13)
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