14 mar 2020

(cdxxxv) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2020-03-14 12:10:28 GMT

  1. What is a "string-ending newline" in relation to the $ metacharacter? - [2/4]
  2. Perl - Join Elements of array till a specified length - [2/3]
  3. Advanced searching for functions in @INC - [2/2]
  4. Perl catching STDERR and STDOUT of subprocess - [2/1]
  5. How do you create a blessed reference to a constant hash? - [2/0]
  6. Process an array and group rows by one field from a csv - [1/3]
  7. Find average of hash values Perl - [1/2]
  8. How to get a user-configurable buffer for printing? - [1/2]
  9. Issue with goto statement along with if else condition - [1/2]
  10. Strip out comma from position variable - [1/2]

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