4 may 2019

(ccxxxv) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 Alien::Build 1.69 13 Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
2 CGI 4.43 36 Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
3 ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.36 43 Create a module Makefile
4 Future 0.40 45 represent an operation awaiting completion
5 Future::AsyncAwait 0.26 14 deferred subroutine syntax for futures
6 Getopt::Long::Descriptive 0.104 42 Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
7 Gtk3 0.035 15 Perl interface to the 3.x series of the gtk+ toolkit
8 Inline 0.83 29 Write Perl Subroutines in Other Programming Languages
9 Mail::Box 3.007 13 complete E-mail handling suite
10 PAR::Packer 1.048 33 PAR Packager
11 perlsecret 1.015 39 Perl secret operators and constants
12 PPI 1.264 45 Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl)
13 SPVM 0.0432 14 Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast calculation & Easy C/C++ Binding
14 Template::Toolkit 2.29 121 comprehensive template processing system
15 Test::Simple 1.302164 160 Basic utilities for writing tests.
16 YAML 1.28 58 YAML Ain't Markup Language™

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