Week's winner: App::cpm (+3)
Build date: 2016/10/01 10:27:58 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Attribute::Boolean - Mark scalars as pure booleans
- File::Find::Wanted - More obvious wrapper around File::Find
- JSON::Schema::Fit - adjust data structure according to json-schema
- Log::Shiras - A Moose based logging and reporting tool
- Mustache::Simple - A simple Mustache Renderer
- Tk::Gauge - create a multitude of analog gauge widgets.
Increasing its reputation:
- (+1=0)
- Algorithm::Diff (+1=16)
- App::cpm (+3=14)
- App::DH (+1=2)
- App::HTTPThis (+1=17)
- Astro::Sunrise (+1=2)
- Bio::SamTools (+1=5)
- Capture::Tiny (+2=73)
- Crypt::LE (+1=4)
- DBIx::Class (+1=239)
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler (+1=16)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Config (+1=4)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Contributors (+1=7)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::FromCPANfile (+1=7)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Synopsis (+1=6)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=31)
- Function::Parameters (+1=32)
- Hash::Merge (+1=20)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=79)
- IPC::Run (+1=20)
- JIRA::REST (+1=6)
- libwww::perl (+1=125)
- LWP::ConsoleLogger (+1=3)
- Menlo (+1=5)
- Mercury (+1=4)
- mod_perl (+1=16)
- MogileFS::Server (+1=6)
- Mojolicious (+1=325)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=9)
- Moose (+1=256)
- MooseX::StrictConstructor (+1=15)
- MooX::Aliases (+1=5)
- MooX::ChainedAttributes (+1=5)
- MooX::LvalueAttribute (+1=6)
- MooX::TypeTiny (+1=3)
- NanoMsg::Raw (+1=6)
- Net::IP (+1=4)
- Ouch (+1=6)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+1=58)
- Path::Tiny (+1=113)
- perlsecret (+1=32)
- Plack (+1=190)
- PPI (+1=39)
- RDF::LinkedData (+1=4)
- Redis::Jet (+1=2)
- Ref::Util (+1=13)
- Task::Kensho (+1=68)
- Test2::Suite (+1=4)
- Test::Memory::Cycle (+1=7)
- Test::Synopsis (+1=8)
- Test::TCP (+1=19)
- Tie::Handle::Filter (+2=2)
- XML::Rabbit (+1=20)
- XML::Twig (+1=46)
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