This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 235
Week's winners (+3): Carp::Reply, Reply
Build date: 2013/06/19 20:01:19 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Audio::Scan
- Audio::XMMSClient
- Carp::POE
- Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL
- CatalystX::Starter
- CGI::Compile
- Chart::Gnuplot
- Crypt::Cracklib
- Data::Random
- DBIx::Error
- DBIx::VersionedDDL
- Devel::Ditto
- Devel::Main
- DicomPack
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuildTiny
- Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Merged
- Domain::PublicSuffix
- Email::Filter
- Email::Filter::Rules
- Email::MIME::XPath
- Email::Pipemailer
- Email::Stuffer
- Fey::SQL::Pg
- File::Send
- Find::Lib
- Graph::Simple
- Hash::FieldHash
- HTML::ExtractMain
- Image::Imlib2::Thumbnail::S3
- Lexical::Var
- LWP::Authen::OAuth
- Memory::Usage
- MMapDB
- Monoceros
- MooX::HandlesVia
- Net::Google::FederatedLogin
- Net::Statsd::Client
- NetAddr::IP::Obfuscate
- OAuth::Lite2
- OpenID::Login
- OpenOffice::OODoc
- Package::Anon
- Parse::Perl
- Perl::Critic::Git
- Plack::App::DataSection
- Plack::App::Directory::Markdown
- Plack::App::GitSmartHttp
- Plack::Middleware::Acme::YadaYada
- Plack::Middleware::BotDetector
- Plack::Middleware::CrossOrigin
- Plack::Middleware::EasyHooks
- PlugAuth
- Regexp::Log::Common
- Roman
- RPC::ExtDirect
- Scalar::Properties
- Scope::OnExit
- Sentinel
- SQL::SplitStatement
- SQL::Tokenizer
- sqlfs::perl
- Stump
- Syntax::Keyword::Gather
- Template::Provider::Preload
- Test::BinaryData
- Test::Name::FromLine
- Test::Whitespaces
- Text::Typography
- Throwable::X
- X11::Aosd
- XML::LibXML::SAX::ChunkParser
Increasing its reputation:
- Action::Retry (+2=2)
- App::Cmd (+1=10)
- App::csv2sqlite (+1=2)
- App::perlbrew (+2=87)
- App::pmuninstall (+1=21)
- App::scan_prereqs_cpanfile (+1=3)
- Archive::Extract::Libarchive (+1=2)
- Archive::Peek::Libarchive (+1=2)
- Authen::Passphrase (+1=9)
- Bytes::Random::Secure (+1=2)
- Carp::Always::Color (+1=5)
- Carp::Reply (+3=3)
- carton (+2=26)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::HTTP::Preempt (+1=2)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+1=76)
- Class::Accessor::Lite (+1=2)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=13)
- Clipboard (+1=2)
- Compress::Snappy (+1=6)
- Config::Any (+1=3)
- Const::Fast (+1=7)
- CPAN (+1=15)
- cpan::listchanges (+1=7)
- CPAN::Mini::Visit (+1=2)
- cpan::outdated (+1=4)
- Crypt::Eksblowfish (+2=9)
- Crypt::SaltedHash (+1=2)
- CSS::Compressor (+1=6)
- CSS::Sass (+1=2)
- curry (+1=7)
- Data::Clone (+1=6)
- Data::Dump (+1=13)
- Data::FormValidator (+1=7)
- Data::Manager (+1=2)
- Data::Peek (+1=2)
- Data::Perl (+1=5)
- Data::Table::Excel (+1=2)
- Data::Util (+1=3)
- Data::Visitor (+1=2)
- DateTime::Format::Human::Duration (+1=3)
- DateTime::Format::Strptime (+1=8)
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::RecursiveUpdate (+1=2)
- Devel::Declare (+1=6)
- Devel::hdb (+1=16)
- Devel::REPL (+1=28)
- Digest::Bcrypt (+1=3)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=76)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Clean (+1=9)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions (+1=2)
- Dist::Zilla::Stash::Contributors (+1=2)
- Docopt (+2=2)
- Email::MIME::Kit (+1=5)
- Email::Sender (+2=13)
- Escape::Houdini (+1=2)
- experimental (+1=6)
- File::Map (+1=2)
- Filesys::Notify::Simple (+1=5)
- GD (+1=6)
- Git::Raw (+1=11)
- Git::Repository (+1=12)
- Hash::StoredIterator (+1=2)
- HTTP::Async (+1=6)
- HTTP::Thin (+2=2)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=27)
- Hubot (+1=4)
- Image::ExifTool (+1=11)
- Imager (+1=28)
- Input::Validator (+1=5)
- install (+1=2)
- IO::Async (+1=6)
- IO::HTML (+1=3)
- IPC::System::Simple (+1=8)
- IRC::Utils (+1=2)
- JSON::Tiny (+1=3)
- KiokuDB (+1=6)
- L (+1=4)
- Lucy (+2=4)
- makepp (+1=3)
- Math::Prime::Util (+1=2)
- Math::Random::Secure (+1=2)
- Math::Symbolic (+1=3)
- Method::Signatures::Simple (+1=5)
- Module::Build::Tiny (+2=2)
- Module::CPANfile (+2=11)
- Mojolicious (+2=129)
- Moo (+1=83)
- MooseX::Traits (+1=12)
- MooX::LvalueAttribute (+1=3)
- namespace::sweep (+2=6)
- Net::Async::HTTP (+1=2)
- NetAddr::IP (+1=5)
- Nginx::Perl (+1=6)
- Package::Stash (+1=13)
- Package::Variant (+1=2)
- Parse::RecDescent (+1=7)
- Path::Iterator::Rule (+1=10)
- Path::Tiny (+1=22)
- PathTools (+1=27)
- Perl6::Junction (+1=11)
- Plack (+2=103)
- plenv (+1=3)
- Pod::Coverage::TrustPod (+1=2)
- Pod::POM (+1=3)
- Queue::Q (+1=4)
- Ref::Store (+1=2)
- Regexp::Grammars (+1=9)
- Reply (+3=14)
- Role::Basic (+1=6)
- Scalar::Does (+1=5)
- Scope::Cleanup (+1=3)
- Server::Starter (+1=7)
- Sort::Key (+1=4)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=19)
- SQL::Statement (+1=4)
- Starman (+2=49)
- Store::Opaque (+1=3)
- String::Formatter (+1=3)
- Sub::Call::Tail (+1=3)
- Sub::Name (+1=12)
- System::Sub (+1=3)
- Teng (+1=8)
- Term::Title (+1=2)
- Test::Mock::Guard (+1=2)
- Test::Pretty (+1=17)
- Test::Routine (+1=9)
- Test::XPath (+1=3)
- Text::Sass::XS (+2=3)
- Time::Duration (+1=3)
- Try::Tiny (+1=70)
- Type::Tiny (+1=14)
- Unicode::Collate (+1=2)
- Unicode::LineBreak (+1=3)
- Unicode::UTF8 (+1=4)
- URI (+2=45)
- URI::Escape::XS (+1=3)
- URI::Title (+1=2)
- utf8::all (+1=16)
- Validation::Class (+1=11)
- Variable::Magic (+1=9)
- Web::Query (+1=7)
- Whatever (+1=2)
- Win32::Daemon (+1=4)
- WWW::JSON (+1=2)
- YAML::Tiny (+1=14)
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