This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 49
Build date: 2012/10/10 20:19:56 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Box::Calc
- Devel::SizeMe
- File::DirCompare
- Hash::Objectify
- lambda
- Net::Syslogd
- String::Random::NiceURL
- Win32::ShellQuote
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (26)
- Bread::Board::Declare (2)
- Carp (5)
- Dancer (71)
- Dancer::Plugin::Database (9)
- Data::Page (3)
- DBI (60)
- DBIx::Class (75)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (5)
- DBIx::Simple (4)
- Getopt::Long (13)
- IMDB::Film (2)
- IPC::Run3 (2)
- JSON::Types (2)
- Module::Load (6)
- Moo (41)
- Moose::Autobox (2)
- MooX::Struct (3)
- OX (5)
- Params::Validate (8)
- Path::Class (29)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitSpaceIndentation (2)
- Pinto (3)
- Plack::Middleware::ForceEnv (2)
- Storable (5)
- Term::ANSIColor (5)
- Test::Most (8)
- Text::Handlebars (2)
- Text::Xslate (9)
- Try::Tiny (41)
- UV (2)
- XML::LibXML (21)
- YAML (18)
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