Build date: 2012/09/19 21:34:29 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::SafetyGoggles
- App::PPI::Dumper
- Block::NamedVar
- Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::RequestConnectionPool
- Devel::DumpTrace
- Devel::ebug
- Dist::Zilla::Role::Stash::Plugins
- Exception::Class::DBI
- File::KeePass
- Lingua::Romana::Perligata
- Log::Message::Structured
- Message::Passing::Redis
- Module::Metadata
- Mojolicious::Command::listdeps
- MooseX::Role::Loggable
- Net::OAuth
- Scalar::Util::Numeric
- Sysadm::Install
- Test::LongString
- Time::Piece
- Tk::WaitBox
- Unicode::EastAsianWidth
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (21)
- Acme::Addslashes (3)
- Alien::wxWidgets (3)
- App::cpanminus (57)
- App::perlbrew (55)
- App::Rad (5)
- Carp::Always (12)
- Catalyst::Manual (15)
- Catalyst::Runtime (55)
- Catalyst::View::TT (7)
- Class::Load (13)
- Config::Tiny (5)
- Dancer (70)
- Data::Clone (2)
- DateTime (53)
- DBD::CSV (2)
- DBD::Firebird (2)
- DBD::mysql (5)
- DBD::Pg (13)
- DBD::SQLite (14)
- DBI (58)
- DBIx::Class (70)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (3)
- DBIx::Class::TimeStamp (3)
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover (2)
- Email::Address (2)
- Email::MIME (2)
- Email::Sender (4)
- Email::Simple (4)
- Exception::Class (5)
- Farabi (3)
- Furl (5)
- Getopt::Long (12)
- Git::Wrapper (2)
- HTML::Template (2)
- IO::All (10)
- IUP (2)
- JE (3)
- jmx4perl (3)
- JSON (16)
- List::AllUtils (7)
- List::MoreUtils (34)
- local::lib (21)
- LWP::Protocol::https (6)
- MetaCPAN::API (11)
- MIME::Lite (8)
- Modern::Perl (8)
- Module::Build (9)
- Mojolicious (77)
- Moo (37)
- Moose (87)
- MooseX::Getopt (6)
- Net::Stripe (2)
- PAR::Packer (5)
- Params::Validate (7)
- Path::Class (27)
- Perl::Strip (2)
- Plack (64)
- Pod::Parser (6)
- Queue::DBI (4)
- Redis (6)
- Regexp::Assemble (5)
- Scope::Upper (2)
- Sereal::Decoder (2)
- Sereal::Encoder (2)
- SQL::Translator (6)
- Storable (3)
- Sub::Exporter (9)
- Syntax::Collector (6)
- Task::Catalyst (2)
- Task::Kensho (13)
- Template::Alloy (7)
- Test::Simple (37)
- Text::Balanced (3)
- Text::CSV_XS (20)
- Text::Glob (2)
- Text::Template (3)
- TimeDate (3)
- Tk (4)
- Tk::DateEntry (2)
- Tk::TableMatrix (2)
- Try::Tiny (39)
- Web::Simple (10)
- WWW::Mechanize (20)
- Wx (6)
- XML::LibXML (20)
Hey, your list dists increasing their rep seems to be sorted alphabetically, but breaks off in the middle. Are there no dists starting with M to Z that increased their reputation? Or is there a problem with a pager / limit clause and the ordering of the results?
you are absolutely right... I have just fixed it and updated the post